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Arnolds Legacy at Issue in Budget Fight?

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  • Arnolds Legacy at Issue in Budget Fight?

    If the issue is that of the legacy of Arnold Schwarzenegger, then that issue is settled. He came into the governorship as a student of Milton Friedman and comes out as a cigar smoking pretzel.

    Is he for higher taxes or lower taxes? Is he for bigger or smaller government. Does he support students and quality education or does he support the unions?

    Does he want to save the planet or use his private jet like a VW going to work?l

    I could go on, but you get the point. This is a governor not based in policy or values. It is like going from movie to movie, playing a different role each day.

    The legacy of Arnold has been set, regardless of the outcome of the current budget fight. The die has been cast.


  • #2
    You forgot to include a major part of this discussion that often gets overlooked by the media, the 30 years of democratic control of the Californian legistature that refuses to be controled by re-disticting or any other way to break up it's monopoly on over spending the voters taxes.
    What about that?
    It's easy and boring the attack Arrrnold for his position. It been done to death. Nothing new there, but mindless personal smearing.
    What about someone delving into the corrupt democratic state legislature politics and deal making that is being done to cirumvent the Governatore's best efforts. He did not make this budget, it's been built long due to overspending for 20+ years on the education and health matters of residing illegal aliens on the state. Otherwide CA would have had a balanced controlled buget for the last 10 years. How many states could say that? Thanks illegal aliens. Golddiggers.
    No aggressive matters should be inferred toward anyone here. I hope we are not getting upset for sharing polite opinions here.
    "I really hope we aren't punishing members here for posting their honest opinions. That would be a bad precident to set. *Activists, who routinely point out corruptions outwardly with govt entities, also should be the very first to point out 'inside' org leadership corruptions."


    • #3
      Originally posted by cowboycode
      You forgot to include a major part of this discussion that often gets overlooked by the media, the 30 years of democratic control of the Californian legistature that refuses to be controled by re-disticting or any other way to break up it's monopoly on over spending the voters taxes.
      What about that?
      It's easy and boring the attack Arrrnold for his position. It been done to death. Nothing new there, but mindless personal smearing.
      What about someone delving into the corrupt democratic state legislature politics and deal making that is being done to cirumvent the Governatore's best efforts. He did not make this budget, it's been built long due to overspending for 20+ years on the education and health matters of residing illegal aliens on the state. Otherwide CA would have had a balanced controlled buget for the last 10 years. How many states could say that? Thanks illegal aliens. Golddiggers.
      There's a few kinks in the armor of the governor. Remember, he said he's happy that illegals are getting services. He may not have been totally responsible for backing us into this mess, but he has not joined the chorus of the mainstream on making it more difficult for illegals to get Californian's tax money. Then, there's that costly bullet train he stumped for in an already undesirable credit market. He's not an innocent victim is all I'm saying. But I agree that it might have been worse with someone like Bustamante

