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Oakland Residents Question Cost, Effectiveness of Gang Injunctions

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  • Oakland Residents Question Cost, Effectiveness of Gang Injunctions

    Question: Do you believe a drug dealer, rapist or bully obeys the law? If they won't obey laws that could put them in jail for life, they why believe they would believe a document signed by a Judge?

    "Oakland’s first gang injunction took effect last June in North Oakland. Created by the City Attorney’s Office, the court order limits the activities of 15 alleged gang members within a 100-block “safety zone” in the Golden Gate neighborhood. The injunction imposes a curfew on the individuals, and restricts other gang-related activities. In October, the City Attorney’s Office filed a motion for a second gang injunction on 40 alleged Nortenos in a 400-block area of the Fruitvale neighborhood, but it is not yet in effect. A court hearing regarding that injunction is scheduled for February 16."

    That is funnier than a Seinfeld episode. Who is counting the 15 gang members in a 100 block area? So, when one gang member leaves and go to San Jose for the day, a cop, standing guard and controlling the line of gang members wanting in, opens the rope and allows a gang member to enter.

    Is this a joke? Sounds like one. Oakland fired 80 cops and is about to fire 70 more; still the crime rate is going down in Oakland. Maybe more cops would mean less crime, certainly a paper signed by a judge, with guards around him, has little meaning to evil people like gang members.
