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San Fran Trying to Steal Private Property

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  • San Fran Trying to Steal Private Property

    San Fran wants to lose tens of millions of dollars MORE each year on government transportation. To do that, they have to steal private property--and they will.

    "The City is poised to take several properties that stand in the way of the $4 billion Transbay Transit Center development after owners rebuffed purchase offers.

    The wrecking ball is now in full swing demolishing the 1939 terminal at Mission and First streets to make way for the “Grand Central station of the West.” The planned hub is envisioned to include retail shops and an array of transit service — local and regional buses, a Caltrain station and ultimately a terminus for the state’s high-speed rail.

    Owners of four buildings in the way of planned rail tunnels are refusing to accept purchase offers from The City. On Tuesday, the Board of Supervisors will vote on whether to authorize eminent domain."

    Eminent domain is a fancy word for government theft. Any wonder San Fran is losing jobs and businesses? They will tax you out of the business, regulate you out of the business and if that fails, just steal it like a Castro or Hugo Chavez would do. If you love Cuba, you will love San Fran.
