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MJB/Bixby Construction Co

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  • #16
    Originally posted by fbsacisback
    Here's the definitive way to find out whether you can trust MJB Bixby... go to Sac Superior online and search their case filings. You'll see that Bixby is extremely litigious.

    Want to dig further, go down and check out the most recent cases. Its all there. The CSLB is filled with contractors and as such, it can't be trusted to police its own. Its set up to give the contractor every break you could imagine.

    Do your own research. Go here and look at how many times he has sued others. Suing his clients is apparently a hobby for Mr. Bixby.
    Almost every claim is a year or more out when a person files one against a contractor. Most people having problems with a contractor need help now. CSLB's main task is pointed ly getting contractors into the system. By that, I mean getting geting them licensed. They seem ill equipped to handle the litigation of people like Bixby, unless you push them very, very hard, or there is a big public issue like that pool company a couple years ago.
    Unfortunately, public records of CSLB are pretty restricted.


    • #17
      Bixby just filed yet another lawsuit and lien forclosure against yet another one of his contracting business customers.

      I don't know what the number he's at right now, but it's 60 plus at this point. Looks the same as so many others:
      Bixby signs contract....
      bixby takes too long to get the job done or performs poorly
      After a year or so, customers stops paying or throws bixby off the property
      Bixby plays wounded dove and cries to attorney
      Bixby files lawsuits, leins, and turns into a mad dog.

      Christ, I feel for these poor people.
      From the looks of this one so far, Bixby has been on the job for 11 months.
      Interestingly, when I looked at the correspondence from Bixby to the Relat's when he was failing them, he stated he didn't do residential work any more.


      • #18

        Since my last post, Mark has been involved in at least 5 other lawsuits. three of them have been referred to the California attorney general for legal action. The latest one though might be quite important for anyone who is considering entering into any written contract with Mark Bixby. In that lawsuit, Mark is publicly stating that he is not able to understand written contracts, even if he reads them. How do you think he will plead when his contract with you is breeched?
        Here's is one of many excerpts stating this claim:
        Case number in Sacramento superior court

        "Plaintiff Mark also has a learning disability that makes it difficult to read and
        comprehend wntten material. His learning disability is so severe that he can
        read something several times, but he still cannot comprehend what he is
        reading. For most important transactions. Plaintiff has an attomey present to
        explain all the terms"
        Now bear in mind, that mark is a contractor. Most contracts are written, although oral contracts also exist, but...a contractor in California is required to have written contracts with his customers. Would this inspire you to have a contract with him?? If you do, I'd demand that he has his lawyer review it first, and sign it along with him, lest he claim that he did not understand it later when he sues you, or you sue him
        Last edited by AyatollahGondola; 06-29-2011, 09:07 AM.


        • #19
          MJB / Bixby Construction

          Hello. I am a prosecutor for the Contractors State License Board. If you have any information as to any unprofessional business practices by Mr. Bixby, please contact me. If you know of any court judgments against Mr. Bixby, please identify the court case, case number, and county. Thank you.
          Jeffrey M. Phillips
          Deputy Attorney General
          California Department of Justice
          Sacramento, California
          Mailing Address:
          1300 I Street, Suite 125
          P.O. Box 944255
          Sacramento, CA 94244-2550
          (916) 324-6292 - Telephone
          (916) 327-8643 - Fax.
          [email protected] -email


          • #20
            MJB/ Bixby construction

            Hello. I am a prosecutor for the Contractors State License Board. If you have any information as to any unprofessional business practices by Mr. Bixby, please contact me. If you know of any court judgments against Mr. Bixby, please identify the court case, case number, and county. Thank you.
            Jeffrey M. Phillips
            Deputy Attorney General
            California Department of Justice
            Sacramento, California
            Mailing Address:
            1300 I Street, Suite 125
            P.O. Box 944255
            Sacramento, CA 94244-2550
            (916) 324-6292 - Telephone
            (916) 327-8643 - Fax.
            [email protected] -email


            • #21
              State contractors license board gets an earful from AyatollahGondola
              Testimony starts at 29:00

              YouTube Video
              ERROR: If you can see this, then YouTube is down or you don't have Flash installed.

