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Illegal Vendors

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  • Illegal Vendors

    After a few years of doing some hit and miss work on the multitudes od unlicensed, unpermitted, and uninspected vendors in the county and the city, it is high time to press the issue as a more concerted focus. Flagrant abuses of code, laws, and fairness are evident county and city wide. The main offenders are food and drink stands, but there are also many sidewalk enterprises that sell non-food items as well. the code enforcement people in both muni's are confusing the issue by claiming the county health department is the primary enforcer, but that is not at all true. Code enforcement, if you have ever been on the recieving end of them, is a fairly powerful and all encompassing agency. The health department can close people down, but they seem to lack the power to actually enforce the laws. Code enforcement does have more broad reaching authorities though, and work closer with actual police agencies...if they request it. But the actual sheriff and the police have the power to cite and even arrest people for breaking laws, so I have no idea why all of these agencies cannot respond individually or collectively to our complaints. They do need incentive though.

    Our focus will be the following:

    Map out the primary spots where illegal vendors set up shop, and keep records of the times they frequent those areas.

    Take photographs, videos, and write information of the vendors themselves. they often have names on their carts or vehicles, and they should have license plates on their cars.

    Take down info on what they are selling. some products are easier to track than others, but the goods originate from somewhere. usually there is a few single sources that supply certain goods. Find the distribution hubs and it will make the law enforcements job as inexcusible as possible.

    Make an estimate of how much money the vendors is grossing. this is to show our carefree electees how much money is going under the table.

    Certain foods are more volatile than others, and the sellers may generate more interest where the health department is concerned. cheese, milk products and meat are especially suspect.

    Get a spiral notebook and start logging in any contacts with law enforcement or other authorities and be persistent in reporting things. If they fail us, we'll be looking to be there with our reports when someone gets sick or worse from contaminated food, and we previously warned them.

  • #2


    • #3


      • #4
        Sunday the 12th of october on franklin blvd. there was a festival on the church grounds, and this always brings out illegal vendors. Hey city council!! Is this fair business practices? No health inspections. No business license. No sellers permit. No income to the city.


        • #5
          This one has pretty much set up permanent residence at the corner of El Camino and Howe ave in the Auto zone parking lot


          • #6
            Sacramento Blvd and 41st ave.
            these should be fairly easy to stop. they all have a few sources that supply them


            • #7
              Here's an article from southern Ca. that shows a municipality can act against unlawful business operators. We need a city council and some supervisors that don't have an agenda to support cheaters for political and monetary gain

              LAKE ELSINORE ---- The tow truck rumbles away with a small, white ice chest-sized cart strapped down on its huge metal ramp.

              Puppies that had been sitting in the sun with no shade, water or food are rescued and turned over to the county's animal control services.

              A makeshift stand serving tacos, fish, beans and salsa ---- an instant Mexican "restaurant" with flies in the food and a minor with dirty hands working as a server ---- is shut more


              • #8
                AG, You and I share a common battle with these "Vendors".

                From the pics alone, I can spot dozens of Health violations, besides the fact They are'nt even licensed, or have permits from the Sacramento County Health Dept.

                It costs alot to get a proper, legit eating establishment in bussiness, and these Guys are doing it for pennies on the dollar.

                It's unfair to Restaraunteurs, the State/County tax revenue, and completely a hazard to it's Own Customers, health-wise.

                I've seen bicycles w/ ice-chests built-on for sale at "Big-Box" stores for around 150 bucks, for illegal ice cream Vendors to get started in bussiness, but actually getting the permit to sell dairy products is pretty expensive to get.

                I have a thermometer that is used in the industry(laser-type) and I always check on holding temps for hot foods, and cold foods, and rarely have seen any Vendors meet the state/Local requirements.


                • #9
                  We are working on a new method to deal these scam businesses a blow. I'll keep you appraised in this thread.
                  Today, I saw and photographed several all over the city while I was trying to drum up business for myself. I spoke with one store owner who had one fruit vendor on his corner. He told me the authorites have been called, but they do nothing. also, when I walked to the front door of his store, a woman met me and asked if i wanted tamales. turns out they are linked too.


                  • #10
                    Matin Luther King Jr Blvd & 41st ave

                    Franklin Blvd near 16th ave

                    Florin road at Wal Mart

                    Florin road at Burlington coat outlet

                    Welco Supermarket at Fruitridge

                    Last edited by AyatollahGondola; 10-25-2008, 10:02 PM.


                    • #11
                      these were taken on 11-10-08. Note that these are the same vendors week after week. It is not possible that the EMD or code enforcement has followed through with siezing equipment as been reported before. look closely at the equipment and you'll see this appears to be the same equipment week after week.


                      • #12
                        Saturday 11-15-08 the same crews back at the same location. there is no excuse for code enforcement missing the boat here

                        [ame=""]YouTube - Illegal Vendors Watt ave and Don Julio[/ame]

                        [ame=""]YouTube - Illegal food vendors Watt ave & Don julio[/ame]


                        • #13
                          I don't run across too many prepared/hot food vendors in My area, but most Inspectors use regular County cars, so at the most all They can do is cite the Offender, and confiscate the food, and maybe get pics.
                          They'd say that confiscation of Their gear would require towing/manpower, and storage, true, but no excuse.
                          That just means restocking, and maybe relocating.
                          The "red" BBQ van (which looks to be white) is parked backed-in and lic. plates covered, He looks like he's been popped, and knows the game..
                          The outfit with the green ford truck is really blatant, are They possibly related to the Mexican butchershop in the same mall?
                          If the truck is being used in the commision of a crime, would'nt that be another way of getting This shut down?
                          I wonder what the liability to the Owners of the properties are?

                          Well, my new seasonal nemesises sellers.
                          And They've got a new tactic, get this, They pretend They don't see, or hear You...or They're all really high? Very weird tactic, probably setting up a situation so that They can call for the cops, especially if enough "tolerant" north bayers see the commotion.
                          These Guys have 20-30 25lb, and 50lb sacks, so They are'nt carrying these in on their backs, I'm trying to get the truck/van that's bringing them in.
                          Sad part is, that these Guys can't just leave, yet the Cops don't/won't do anything to enforce it's own, and county laws.
                          At least My County Ag. told Me if I got the plates They'd would pursue the main-Man, and the source of the fruit, and then pigs might be also given the gift of flight as well...



                          • #14
                            Illegal vendors weekday operators observed today 11/20/08. Both of these are operating at the same intersection of 12th ave & franklin Blvd


                            • #15
                              I like the "custom" cabinet door pulls/knob on the side of the fruit Vendors rig in the last pic...Oh, it's made of wood...that in itself is a violation of the health & safety codes.
                              If it's around food, whether storage, or serving, it's gotta be metal, or polyethylene.
                              It does look like the owner tried to paint it to resemble metal though.


