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CA. Capitol Rally Sept 2nd

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  • CA. Capitol Rally Sept 2nd

    For Immediate Release

    August 5, 2008

    Sacramento, CA – The Minutemen Civil Defense Corp and Save Our State, will host a day of protesting and lobbying at the State Capitol North steps on September 2nd from 10:30am to 3:30pm.

    The purpose of the event is to voice concern for the Sanctuary City policy for criminal aliens while American citizens are being murdered.

    On June 22nd, Danielle Bologna’s husband and two sons were slain by illegal alien Edwin Ramos who is eligible for the death penalty due to the special circumstances of the case. Although Mayor Gavin Newsome has remained relatively quiet in regard to this case, he did rescind a nearly two-decade sanctuary policy for juvenile felony offenders back in May. Unfortunately Ramos had been convicted of two prior felonies as a junvenile, but was never deported due to San Francisco’s sanctuary policy.

    In another Sanctuary City, Los Angeles, 18 year-old high school football star, Jamiel Shaw, Jr. was gunned down by illegal alien Pedro Espinoza. Like Ramos, Espinoza had already been convicted of crimes before the murder. Espinoza had been released from jail just a day before murdering Jamiel.

    Jamiel’s family and supporters are now gathering signatures for Jamiel’s Law which would stop sanctuary for illegal alien gang members in Los Angeles.

    In the wake of these senseless murders, Americans from all areas of California will travel to Sacramento to join MCDC and SOS on September 2nd to demand justice and protection for American citizens! And to encourage elected officials to end the current sanctuary policies for criminal aliens!

    For more information please contact Internet Radio Host Joni/Sierrapatriot at [email protected]

    or Coop at [email protected]