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Stop Internet Lynchings of Activists

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  • #46
    From the Chelene self-pity rant:

    In Feb. 2008, I was burned out and posted on this forum seeking HELP from others. I BEGGED others to organize events and help out..SILENCE.
    AG, correct me if I am wrong, but were there not two American Apparel protests that were organized by Mike in LA and myself during the time that this idiot complained about silence form the members of that group? I believe that SOS' own Youtube site can attest to this fact.

    While I asked that Chelene remove any videos of myself speaking for SOS during a heated email exchange, I am glad that she denied my request, because now she can be seen for the lying piece of steaming bovine excrement she is.


    • #47
      Originally posted by PochoPatriot
      From the Chelene self-pity rant:

      AG, correct me if I am wrong, but were there not two American Apparel protests that were organized by Mike in LA and myself during the time that this idiot complained about silence form the members of that group? I believe that SOS' own Youtube site can attest to this fact.

      While I asked that Chelene remove any videos of myself speaking for SOS during a heated email exchange, I am glad that she denied my request, because now she can be seen for the lying piece of steaming bovine excrement she is.
      Amen to that......

      She kept firing the people who were out there working, so it should come as no surprise that it would be harder and harder to inspire others to do that. Yes I do remember two American Apparel events. And what ever happened to MikeinLA anyway? Is he another one that ended up pushing up daisies somewhere without the forum ever knowing why?


      • #48
        Originally posted by AyatollahGondola
        Amen to that......

        She kept firing the people who were out there working, so it should come as no surprise that it would be harder and harder to inspire others to do that. Yes I do remember two American Apparel events. And what ever happened to MikeinLA anyway? Is he another one that ended up pushing up daisies somewhere without the forum ever knowing why?
        Don't know about Mike. I believe that he was one that drank the Chelene kool-aid. Last, I know he was still a part of Chelene's "leadership committee". I don't hold that against him. I think he is a good guy, and would be an asset to any organization because of his ideas and his youth.

        The funny thing is that Chelene mad a big pretense of telling me how much my work was appreciated in our last email exchange, but the truth is that she does not appreciate anyone that takes the spotlight off of her.

        She reminds me of Herod the Great, who ruled Palestine at the time of the birth of Jesus. Herod was a paranoid king who saw treachery and subterfuge at every turn and from every person. Herod eventually murdered nearly all of his immediate family and ended walking the halls of his many mansions mumbling about conspiratorial plots against him.

        One has to wonder when Chelene will have her meltdown.


        • #49
          The witch stirs the brew:

          This was emailed to me from a thread on SOS:

          Patriotic Dream 06-26-2009 02:32 PM First, great comments by OldReb and EastCoastGrannie as always!!
          Second, the founding father of Save Our State, Joe Turner, made it quite known that he did not want himself or his org to become a ONE horse issue! He understand quite clearly that the illegal invasion was just a symptom of the larger picture - political corruption and agendas.
          In order to battle the illegal invasion/border security issue one needs to understand the bigger picture. Compare this to cancer. .cancer is the condition of the body, but cancer is made up of individual cells. In order to treat cancer, each cell must be fought/cured and if each cell is not tended to, the cancer will spread until it completely takes over the body. This political issue is just one "cell" of the condition which is a globalist and communist agenda to destroy the constitutional republic of the USA. To win the amnesty issue, every aspect must be addressed or the condition will just destroy the USA.
          Furthermore, reading this thread there seems to be complete misinformation and accusations. An organization is only as good as the MEMBERSHIP!!!! When Joe Turner basically turned over his org to Old Preach and I back in 2006 (yes, far longer than most of you realize), we were NOT as some like to imagine at the peak of SOS. Our peak was from May 2006 through January 2008. We had our MOST events, our peak membership, peak site hits, best donations, and our MOST media during this time period. In 2006, Don and I organized one event after the next and Don was busy with media. In 2007, Don needed to concentrate on family and relocation, which kept me busy organizing almost every event and doing all the media. In Feb. 2008, I was burned out and posted on this forum seeking HELP from others. I BEGGED others to organize events and help out. SILENCE. Joe complained about the EXACT same thing many times which is one reason he moved on. The ONLY person who came forth was Jeanfromfilmore who did host an event. Members should not expect activity if they are not willing to volunteer! And members can not expect one or two people to do all the work while sitting back criticizing and complaining.
          Fortunately I was able to also recruit Heather to organize, but neither Jean nor Heather will have the same time that Don and I had in the past. This means OTHERS need to come forth and HELP! Especially as some of you write, you want to be active. .GREAT than TAKE action!
          Furthermore, I gave this forum over in 2008, the subject of this thread managed this forum. And although posting something else on other blogs, this person WAS the person adding subjects to the forum! I FINALLY, a couple months ago, said ENOUGH this site is too busy. JB Parrothead can confirm this message! I stated very clearly that the messages were too much. Want to know what I was all about, then look at the events I hosted...all border and illegal invasion related! Only one march might have been questioned by some of you..the Stop the NAU, however again here is where being aware of all the "cells" is valuable. The NAU will open the borders.. it is NOT just about free trade.
          In regard to the subject matter of the thread, it was posted in the SoCal Coalition section. (Thank you Reb for the link.) Regardless of what anyone thinks, the decision was VERY mutual with Joe Turner! (I still called Joe over the last 3 years regarding serious matters.) By the way, Old Preach told me a couple weeks ago on the phone that the subject person was asked time and time again to host events in NorCal, OP said the offer was ALWAYS declined. I can confirm this fact as I always encouraged the subject to work with others and organize events. Again always declined and more than one NorCal person complained about the unusual behavior of this person.Below I will post an opinion piece of a patriot who emailed his list a week or so ago about listening to the leaders. I think this thread merits this email. When Joe, Don, others mods, or myself banned individuals there was ALWAYS a valid reason! Each of you makes up your own opinion without knowing all the facts and this is very unfortunate. Want to know where the division happens, when you do NOT know everything!! UNITY is GREAT, but weeding out the provocateurs/troublemakers is even GREATER!!! There will NEVER be unity as long as troublemakers exist. Learn to police your own. Had members listened better, perhaps the crazies like Shawna Forde could have been ostracized long ago!
          Here is what the SDMM states on their site:
          http: //sand . . d = 75&Item id = 74
          Davi Rodrigues, Sacramento - Independent activist who stirs up trouble in groups and spreads malicious lies on the internet. Unstable, delusional.

          My suggestion is you do not judge a book by its cover. If you do not know the whole story, then move on and honor the group you belong to or get out and go elsewhere. It is really that simple. Because as long as there is someone ranting poison about a group or group leaders, then that group will NEVER unite to save the country.
          Say it isn't so......The mighty Joe Turner needs Chelene Nightingale to speak for him? This does surprise me. Another surprise is that Joe Turner is still making decisions on the issues and personnel at Save Our State. Well thank you Ms Nightingale for divulging this info. I will check into this.
          Now Old Preach is about as dead to the movement as a previous activist can be, yet Ms. Nightingale has ressurected his ghost to bolster her own credibility. I've never been a slouch in this movement, or in SOS for that matter. My resume includes protests and events at the State Capitol, the Mexican consulate, Sutter's Fort, many day labor events, Home depot events, countless sign trailer events, and the state fair for christ sakes. My videos of said events are all over the damned internet, and have been since 2005. But Ms Nightingale would have you believe that there were none, and that Old Preach has risen from the activist grave to confirm this. Of course we have to believe it; The ghost of Old Preach said it to his interpreter, and she hath spoken.

          And Schwilk says I'm delusional (shaking head)
          Last edited by AyatollahGondola; 06-27-2009, 05:47 PM.


          • #50
            Originally posted by PochoPatriot
            .One has to wonder when Chelene will have her meltdown.

            D, What do you mean when?

            Have you listened to or read some of the substance that has been coming out of her the past several months? Never mind the address she made to the CCIR meeting when Gheen was in town, just look at the post above. "Provacatuers" and "moles"? Your Herod analysis was spot on. She's half paranoid and her usual fondness for conspiracy tripe has been on overdrive since Gilchrist served her with process. She simply rambles at this point about things that are marginally, if at all, related to the immigration debate. I suppose, however, in her mind they're front and center.

            I guess it all depends upon how you define meltdown. It is very clear to me that the position she holds in Save Our State is of utmost importance to her ... far more than accomplishing something concrete. To Chelene, her status in "The Movement" is paramount. Her conduct has always reflected that is her top priority. However, she lashes out so wildly and regularly that she is a stone's throw away from presiding over the organization's closing the doors. That's how little is left as a result of her ongoing conduct that has decimated the membership rolls. And that result, of course, is directly the opposite of what she wants - to be the beloved head honcho of the grand organization.

            In short, she's been killing what she wants, and she's been very systematic about it. Dude, if that's not a meltdown, I'm not sure what is.


            • #51
              Originally posted by PochoPatriot
              .One has to wonder when Chelene will have her meltdown.

              D, What do you mean when?

              Have you listened to or read some of the substance that has been coming out of her the past several months? Never mind the address she made to the CCIR meeting when Gheen was in town, just look at the post above. "Provacateurs" and "troublemakers"? Your Herod analysis was spot on. She's half paranoid and her usual fondness for conspiracy tripe has been on overdrive since Gilchrist served her with process. She simply rambles at this point about things that are marginally, if at all, related to the immigration debate. I suppose, however, in her mind they're front and center.

              I guess it all depends upon how you define meltdown. It is very clear to me that the position she holds in Save Our State is of utmost importance to her ... far more than accomplishing something concrete. To Chelene, her status in "The Movement" is paramount. Her conduct has always reflected that is her top priority. However, she lashes out so wildly and regularly that she is a stone's throw away from presiding over the organization's closing the doors. That's how little is left as a result of her ongoing conduct that has decimated the membership rolls. And that result, of course, is directly the opposite of what she wants - to be the beloved head honcho of the grand organization.

              In short, she's been killing what she wants, and it's been going on for a while now. Dude, if that's not a meltdown, I 'm not sure what is.
              Last edited by; 06-28-2009, 12:38 AM.


              • #52
                I had been a member of SOS for a short period of time, but left of my own volition when the infighting started, just after Sandy was ran off. The bickering put a bad taste in my mouth.

                A few months ago, I returned to a different SOS. I had forgotten my password, so I just signed on with another handle. I got a rude awakening from Chelene. I tried not to have hard feelings over it and I try to be objective, but it did piss me off the way I was handled. The woman makes enemies when she could have allies.

                I speak only of what I myself have experienced, I'm not disrespectfully chirping stuff I heard from someone else. It's been interesting.

                What happened to Joe, where has he gone? Why did he leave? From what I know of Joe, there is no way he needs a mouthpiece. As related before, even the opposition saw what was going to happen to SOS when Chelene took over. Joe is a smart man, was he too close to the problem to see the consequences of his choice? If he has as much say in SOS now as Chelene says he does, why has he allowed SOS to fall apart under Chelene's stewardship? Joe strikes me as being tidier than that.

                Those are sincere questions, I would like to know. PM me if you would prefer.


                • #53
                  I think a meltdown is not here yet too,

                  I was thinking the meltdown would include a recanting of many of her activities at SOS, based upon her christian ideals or something along those lines. you know "I have seen the light, and god told me to stop all my hateful thoughts". Along with this would be a few zingers aimed at the lot of us the likes of "I thought I could control all the racism and hate from the inside of these organizations, but in the end it was more than I could accomplish".

                  In the very least, it would be "I'm sick of all the infighting and mud being slinged within the movement", and then again blame everyone for not uniting to save the country, and lastly signing off from the movement with in her own mind as not being the slightest bit at fault


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Coso Kid
                    Joe is a smart man, was he too close to the problem to see the consequences of his choice? If he has as much say in SOS now as Chelene says he does, why has he allowed SOS to fall apart under Chelene's stewardship? Joe strikes me as being tidier than that.

                    Those are sincere questions, I would like to know. PM me if you would prefer.
                    Apparently, he's not that tidy. He does know the consequences of Chelene being left in charge (I spoke to him several months ago for about 20 minutes concerning the subject). He views SOS as irremediably damaged and recognizes what went wrong, with the advantage of hindsight. He would not intervene, however, when people were pleading with him for help and it's cost him several friendships. Most notably, Old Preach's. I barely know the guy. We've spoken on three, maybe four occasions, so I can only speculate as to why he allows this craziness to fester by giving Mommy Dearest free reign.
                    Last edited by; 06-28-2009, 09:53 AM.


                    • #55
                      Last edited by sandinator; 07-06-2009, 10:46 PM. Reason: mistake


                      • #56
                        Also I think he feels a certain amount of embarassment about how things have unfolded for SOS since late 2006 and he wishes it would just disappear
                        You may have something there. It doesn't explain why he's kept it alive for so long though. Don't get me wrong; I don't want to see SOS cease to exist. Count me among the many who see themselves as a member in exile.

                        OP was a difficult one to figure out also. He worked really hard out there on Day labor issues, and that's hard to find in an activist. But....I did see him stirring up more than his share of shit. He really had it in for Sandy, and kept picking at that scab even after the banning. I even asked him to quit that, and that was before I was in the management. Also saw him shut down the up and coming Modesto chapter of SOS by picking an unneccessary fight with the event organizers just after the protest they held. But then he'd go out and hammer DL customers up close and personal.


                        • #57
                          Last edited by sandinator; 07-06-2009, 10:47 PM. Reason: mistake


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by sandinator
                            Too bad really because we were one hell of a team when we would get out on the front lines. The most effective rallies we did were some where there weren't that many of us there. Usually Joe, OP and I would be the first ones to arrive at our rallies and oh did we kick some illegal alien ass! Those first rallies truly were the ones to open the eyes of the general public.
                            Yes it was Sandinator. The beginning was truly inspirational. We caught the OBL with their pants around their ankles, and the fire spread quickly. It must have been hectic in their upper ranks as they gathered and argued over the response.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by AyatollahGondola
                              You may have something there. It doesn't explain why he's kept it alive for so long though. Don't get me wrong; I don't want to see SOS cease to exist. Count me among the many who see themselves as a member in exile.

                              OP was a difficult one to figure out also. He worked really hard out there on Day labor issues, and that's hard to find in an activist. But....I did see him stirring up more than his share of shit. He really had it in for Sandy, and kept picking at that scab even after the banning. I even asked him to quit that, and that was before I was in the management. Also saw him shut down the up and coming Modesto chapter of SOS by picking an unneccessary fight with the event organizers just after the protest they held. But then he'd go out and hammer DL customers up close and personal.
                              One of the things I have seen over the years is is the fact that not always does a good hand make good supervision, nor does an untalented hand always make bad supervision.

                              I have seen good hands get a supervisorial position, then their reality changes. for some it's a head trip about being "the man", others their reality changes - It's not about themselves doing the work, but keeping their boss, who has lost touch with the work, happy. or maybe, off their ass.

                              The best I have seen are good motivators, has the work and material laid out in advance, and gets out of the way when good hands are working. And they remember where they came from. They make it flow, and the flow is a wonderful thing.

                              Everyone has their talents, and everyone is different. A wise manager uses his help according to their talents, irrespective of friendship.

                              This applies to a lot of situations.
                              Last edited by Coso Kid; 06-28-2009, 02:30 PM.


                              • #60
                                Attached Files
                                Last edited by sandinator; 07-06-2009, 10:48 PM. Reason: mistake

