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Stop Internet Lynchings of Activists

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  • #31
    Originally posted by borderwatch
    I first ran afoul of the SOS thought police for Supporting Duncan Hunter for president instead of Ron Paul.

    Schwilk has been on a real email frenzy this week. People have take to calling him "psycho Schwilk." He also has some leaks on his list. Some even said he is starting to sound like Shawana did this last year, seeing enemies evey where.

    By the way, his beef with Gilchrist is financial,not ideological. Gilchrist gave him $4000 to run a border operation a few years ago and he has been fixated on Gilchrist's wallet since.
    Gilchrist has a wallet? I'd never know, because I haven't been seeing proof of any real spending on our cause of late, but then again how would we ever know?

    Schwilk has had his moments of glory; The Caltrans project for one. Some flag raisings, etc. Cannot say he's all bad. He might just be caught up in the "hang 'em high" mob mentality. I'm sure he's getting his ear bent by you know who, and maybe it's just something he believes in too. We'll see I guess.
    No one in this movement is worthy of following explicitly right now. Every one of us has some quirk or weakness that holds us down or inhibits our ability to gain real momentum. I am just going to take it as it comes, and keep on trying. As for everyone else though:
    I'm just going to stroke them when they're good, and scold them when they're bad. No blind trust or free reign.


    • #32
      So here's the newest rant by Chelene:

      Oops, looks like the page is lost. Start your website on the cheap.

      And my scolding for her is this: Her main objective has become beating down Gilchrist, and using that to promote her own personal agenda. Her commentary completely ignores our movement. in the article, an obvious bloviating open borders SPLC hack denigrates the whole lot of us, makes statements that anyone taking up activism in opposition to illegal immigration is contributing to anti-immigrant behavior.

      “Jim is motivating others and helping them sort of pick up the torch,” he said. “We go out and inspire folks.”

      Heidi Beirich, research director at the Southern Poverty Law Center, said inspiring people to steep themselves in anti-immigration ideology and militantly treat immigrants as enemies can lead nowhere positive.

      Beirich said she’s been watching Forde for years and she’s not surprised that Forde, who she called a “nativist extremist,” is tied to the murders.

      “(Minutemen) have been inattentive to the issue that violence could spring forward in these groups,” she said. “They’ve been rather reluctant to condemn their own.”
      This open borders wench was basically given a pass or more likely missed entirely because Chelene is so engrossed with her anti-gilchrist mission that she cannot even remember what the bigger threat is, or where our main opposition is.

      If she won't say it I will:
      There has been infinately more violence springing forward from illegal immigrants than border control groups ms. Beirich. It's always been that way too. I am hard pressed to find more than a few instances of a border control activist or immigration law enforcement proponent being charged for a serious crime over their actions, but in contrast there have been thousands upon thousands of illegal immigrants charged with murders, rapes, robberies, assaults, child molestations and drunk driving's that resulted in death or severe injury. If lumping all immigration law enforcement proponents and border security activists with the actions of the accused Shawna Forde is acceptable, then the same would apply that all illegal immigrants are haters of American nationals by virtue of the crimes their countrymen have committed against us.


      • #33
        Who wrote this?

        Do you recognize the author?

        Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 10:51 AM
        To: [email protected]
        Subject: Chelene Nightingale (SOS) and William Gheen (ALIPAC) caused meltdown of minuteman movement

        I don't know if Nightingale's involvement in your fiasco is anything

        more than pure jealousy or not, but the movement as a whole has

        suffered the loss of one activist player after another shortly after

        takeoff. One by one, and then even by whole groups, the up and coming

        have been eliminated or crippled to the point of ineffectiveness. Most

        of it was character assassination at the hands of others [like William Gheen of ALIPAC],

        and some was suicide, and some was made to look so. Still others were shot out of

        the saddle by well intentioned hired guns who were working at the

        behest of someone else like William Gheen.

        In chelene's case, it is noteworthy to point out that no one has ever

        gotten past her in Save Our State (SOS).

        With that bit of assured dominance, SOS will never get past Chelene's abilities,

        which are limited to those of a backbiting, manipulative, self aggrandizing

        cheerleading squad mom. She looks good, sometimes makes others feel good, and temporarily

        generates a crowd, but when you talk to the other mom's about Nightingale they reveal a cult laden personality crown that thrives on innuendo, lies and propaganda against others, and massages the facts for her own personal goal.

        But that said, as the saying goes: The devil only has as much power on

        earth as god extends him, Chelene has only the power that Joe Turner

        willingly extends her. If I were him and had the legal portion of my ass hanging out in public with Chelene Nightingale's alligator mouth running like it does, I'd place a censor between every word she uttered and the reading public.

        Interestingly, Joe Turner remains quite distant and silent, but still on the hook via his name on the secretary of state roster of corporate statements.

        Sincerely Yours,

        An immigration law enforcement supporter


        • #34
          Originally posted by kjl
          Do you recognize the author?

          Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 10:51 AM
          To: [email protected]
          Subject: Chelene Nightingale (SOS) and William Gheen (ALIPAC) caused meltdown of minuteman movement

          I don't know if Nightingale's involvement in your fiasco is anything

          more than pure jealousy or not, but the movement as a whole has

          suffered the loss of one activist player after another shortly after

          takeoff. One by one, and then even by whole groups, the up and coming

          have been eliminated or crippled to the point of ineffectiveness. Most

          of it was character assassination at the hands of others [like William Gheen of ALIPAC],

          and some was suicide, and some was made to look so. Still others were shot out of

          the saddle by well intentioned hired guns who were working at the

          behest of someone else like William Gheen.

          In chelene's case, it is noteworthy to point out that no one has ever

          gotten past her in Save Our State (SOS).

          With that bit of assured dominance, SOS will never get past Chelene's abilities,

          which are limited to those of a backbiting, manipulative, self aggrandizing

          cheerleading squad mom. She looks good, sometimes makes others feel good, and temporarily

          generates a crowd, but when you talk to the other mom's about Nightingale they reveal a cult laden personality crown that thrives on innuendo, lies and propaganda against others, and massages the facts for her own personal goal.

          But that said, as the saying goes: The devil only has as much power on

          earth as god extends him, Chelene has only the power that Joe Turner

          willingly extends her. If I were him and had the legal portion of my ass hanging out in public with Chelene Nightingale's alligator mouth running like it does, I'd place a censor between every word she uttered and the reading public.

          Interestingly, Joe Turner remains quite distant and silent, but still on the hook via his name on the secretary of state roster of corporate statements.

          Sincerely Yours,

          An immigration law enforcement supporter
          I recognize some of it. This piece has more than one author now. I think you could call it "revisionist commentary".


          • #35
            zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzz
            Last edited by sandinator; 07-06-2009, 10:42 PM. Reason: mistake


            • #36
              Wow. Just wow.

              Hello, folks. Nice to "see" you again. Nice to hear you are all OK and still fired-up. Missed you on sos. I feel awful about it over there. I'll probably be banned for coming over here! hhahahh, or bwhaahahha, WHATEVER!

              The politics of it all bothered me anyhow. Kind of got in the way of the real mission. Most of the stuff there now is already out on Liberty Post or Free Republic first, anyway.

              Peace and love,


              • #37
                I don't think SOS can afford to ban any more members Lassie,

                I don't think they'll ban you for associating here either.


                • #38
                  Many don't wait to be banned, they're just fleeing on their own for one reason or another.


                  • #39
                    Most unfortunate,

                    SOS was a good platform. Maybe it can be again someday soon


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by AyatollahGondola
                      Most unfortunate,

                      SOS was a good platform. Maybe it can be again someday soon

                      Possible, in the mathematical sense, but not likely. The water is too poisoned over there. Chelene simply peed in too many people's Cheerios.

                      It's a shame really, because SOS was a quality concept but, wow, did Joe Turner pick the wrong babysitter. Grassroots activism and Mommy Dearest proved to be a poor match.


                      • #41
                        Ah, hell; greater turnarounds have happened before.

                        However, I don't see any rebounding until she is gone. And I don't mean taking a back seat, or only making cameo appearances from time to time. She has to be evicted gone, banned gone, drive-a-stake-through-the-heart gone before some hard core activists would step foot back on her hallowed grounds again


                        • #42
                          On both points, as you just stated above, we agree.


                          • #43
                            A quote from the next to the last Chelene post in the "What happened to Ayatollah Gondola" thread:

                            My suggestion is you do not judge a book by its cover. If you do not know the whole story, then move on and honor the group you belong to or get out and go elsewhere. It is really that simple. Because as long as there is someone ranting poison about a group or group leaders, then that group will NEVER unite to save the country.
                            Perhaps Chelene should follow her own advice. You can alienate only so many people until it becomes a party of one. The queen of assumption, ever ready to wield the axe.


                            • #44
                              That's almost hilarious,

                              She's inviting membership to drink up or get out


                              • #45
                                I don't know Chelene personally (never met her race to face as I have Joe, Don Silva, and others), and while I believe that what I have said about her is factual, I have not enjoyed what I have related.

                                Having said that, I am still peeved about the way Chelene made insane assumptions about me and the insane rant she indulged in in the process of banishing me then deleted (presumably to avoid looking like a public nutcase), violating this precept she recently put forth:

                                My suggestion is you do not judge a book by its cover. If you do not know the whole story...
                                THEN ASK SOME QUESTIONS.

                                It takes about half a second to go from being "A patriot who gets it" to being a "troublemaker" with Chelene. I didn't understand it then, but here it is from a copyrighted essay that Chelene quoted:

                                It is a fact that ... Chelene Nightingale ... & many others take heat from patriots who admonish them that “we should all get along” or “we need to work with everyone”. Why would any of these people toss out real patriots for no good reason?

                                Believe me, these accomplished leaders do not have such large groups that they can afford to ban people on a whim, why would they? When your enemy infiltrates your camp you throw him out or you succumb.
                                As Stalin so famously said:

                                In the future, there will be fewer but better Russians
                                Chelene is a literalist who views the world in black and white, someone who would cut her own right hand off over some minor matter of principle with no thought as to understanding whomever she perceives the enemy to be - a sure recipe for disaster.

                                She strikes me as a paranoid, controlling megalomaniac. God help us if someone like she could ascend the throne in Washington, think of mass exile of those whom she suspects being traitors, infiltrators, moles, agents of the New World Order. Anyone who doesn't measure up to her standard of "Patriotism", people who don't entirely fit into her clone mold of "Americanism", anyone who doesn't fawn over her presence and stroke her on her scattered and disjointed "activism".

                                In order to battle the illegal invasion/border security issue one needs to understand the bigger picture. Compare this to cancer..cancer is the condition of the body, but cancer is made up of individual cells. In order to treat cancer, each cell must be fought/cured and if each cell is not tended to, the cancer will spread until it completely takes over the body. This political issue is just one "cell" of the condition which is a globalist and communist agenda to destroy the constitutional republic of the USA. To win the amnesty issue, every aspect must be addressed or the condition will just destroy the USA.
                                With Chelene, it seems that the battle is everywhere and enemies everywhere except for where both are securely perched.
                                Last edited by Coso Kid; 06-27-2009, 08:36 AM.

