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Stop Internet Lynchings of Activists

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  • thanks.

    Originally posted by AyatollahGondola
    Don't know what you're referring to here, but this belongs in the "contact the moderators" section.
    Just in case you wish to follow the outcome of this matter, LINK

    I really hope we aren't punishing members for posting their honest polite opinions here. That would be a bad precident to set. Just some thoughts and opinions on these matters offered to all.

    This is confusing to read AG's responses but highly informative to all, I'm sure. I'll leave it at that. It's obvious.
    IMHO: As someone who was 'in the know' about the massive abuse of meglomanic leadership and fickle power somewhere else for years, I see the 'pendulum' has now swung the other way.
    Leaders set up matters so they can claim 'plausible deniability' on embarrassing matters when asked and all the while leaders still can and have overlooked some harrassment in favor of punishing others for some percieved harrassment. Certain EXEMPT members do dish out the negativity and harrassment onto others, but they cannot accept when the victims defend themselves back on the harrassment instigators. If the victim defends themselves and asks for staff intervention...only the harrassed victims may get punished. The other side is blameless and not held responsible for their malicous actions to start the whole bickering. I have heard of this before somewhere else. It wasn't good. This is disengenuous at least and for the worst, I'll let forum members make the decisions about these actions.

    Thanks a ton, and my best to you...
    No aggressive matters should be inferred toward anyone here. I hope we are not getting upset for sharing polite opinions here.
    "I really hope we aren't punishing members here for posting their honest opinions. That would be a bad precident to set. *Activists, who routinely point out corruptions outwardly with govt entities, also should be the very first to point out 'inside' org leadership corruptions."


    • for your and everyone elses information

      the contact the moderators forum is only between the one poster that starts the thread and the moderators or administrators. no one else can see what goes on in there so theres no point in placing a link to it.
      i think ayatollah was making a point that your last question was something you should have taken up in that moderator section. if you feel someone is harassing you or violating a rule here you should use that forum.
      the rest of your post i don't understand at all but since you stated you have moved past it lets go with that.


      • Since we're moving past that, how about we get back to the main point of this thread.
        I would like to point out to everyone that internet lynchings are down lately
        I hope it's a trend. Gheen seems to have stopped his attacks on Glenn Spencer, I haven't heard from Schwilk in a couple weeks, and there's been no sensational emails or posts from Chelene in regards to Giiiiilllllllchriiiisssstt!
        Maybe people finally sent some of these instigators packing.


        • cowboycode like Nightingale ??? I don't see it.

          I don't see it.
          I haven't felt the urge to run for California's governor's seat in 2010, attack Gilchrist, set myself up as the final decision on banning people from a forum or club, get my picture in the news, not going bankrupt, no foreclosed house, or anything else like her. Think about it.
          I know you must be joking, brother.... LMAO
          But thanks that was funny.

          Originally posted by PochoPatriot
          I am not attacking you personally. If I did you would know it. What I, and others, are asking you to do is drop your rantings. You are acting just like Nightingale. There is no secret cabal trying to get information. This is sort of thought process is Nightingale-esqe. So can we end the "mole" talk?

          The battle we fight is not about rooting out "moles" but bringing some semblance of sanity back to this movement. Once people realize that this movement is better off without the paranoia of Gilchrist, Nightingale, Coe, Schwilk and others like them, the sooner we can galvanize back into the movement that used to make the opposition tremble.

          As I said before, I don't care if Nightingale shows up, and I don't care if there are spies. Nothing we do is illegal, at least not yet. Therefore we have nothing to hide. If people want to report what happens here then so be it. I have nothing to hide, and I am sure no one else does either.

          Can you just let it go, and help us now? If not then, perhaps you would be better off somewhere else.
          No aggressive matters should be inferred toward anyone here. I hope we are not getting upset for sharing polite opinions here.
          "I really hope we aren't punishing members here for posting their honest opinions. That would be a bad precident to set. *Activists, who routinely point out corruptions outwardly with govt entities, also should be the very first to point out 'inside' org leadership corruptions."


          • Originally posted by Referee
            for your and everyone elses information

            the contact the moderators forum is only between the one poster that starts the thread and the moderators or administrators. no one else can see what goes on in there so theres no point in placing a link to it.
            i think ayatollah was making a point that your last question was something you should have taken up in that moderator section. if you feel someone is harassing you or violating a rule here you should use that forum.
            the rest of your post i don't understand at all but since you stated you have moved past it lets go with that.
            Thanks I have moved to that area to get these matters solved.

            in a related matter: I have found out that this forums administrators are: "AG", "Referee", "citadel" and a special floating one generically account called "fbisadministrator" that can be used by three (3) different anonymous forum members. "Because they wanted anonymity to do their jobs here."
            No aggressive matters should be inferred toward anyone here. I hope we are not getting upset for sharing polite opinions here.
            "I really hope we aren't punishing members here for posting their honest opinions. That would be a bad precident to set. *Activists, who routinely point out corruptions outwardly with govt entities, also should be the very first to point out 'inside' org leadership corruptions."


            • Originally posted by cowboycode
              Thanks I have moved to that area to get these matters solved.

              in a related matter: I have found out that this forums administrators are: "AG", "Referee", "citadel" and a special floating one generically account called "fbisadministrator" that can be used by three (3) different anonymous forum members. "Because they wanted anonymity to do their jobs here."
              You're close, but not quite straight on this. I can Administrate and Moderate, but I have to sign in as administrator to do either. I have no special privilidges while using my own screen name though. Referee can only moderate, but not administrate, and wants to remain anonymous in doing so. Citadel can moderate, and not administrate. The Administrator FBISAdmin is an account that three people have the password for: Myself, and two others, and the other two don't have any desire to post here. One just handles the account emails, and the other checks in on things to fill in during the day.


              • Originally posted by AyatollahGondola
                You're close, but not quite straight on this. I can Administrate and Moderate, but I have to sign in as administrator to do either. I have no special privilidges while using my own screen name though. Referee can only moderate, but not administrate, and wants to remain anonymous in doing so. Citadel can moderate, and not administrate. The Administrator FBISAdmin is an account that three people have the password for: Myself, and two others, and the other two don't have any desire to post here. One just handles the account emails, and the other checks in on things to fill in during the day.
                Clear as mud, i'm afraid.
                Most people associate site administrating and the same as forum moderating. Sounds like you and your staff have some differences,
                what are the differences and similarities of the two job responsibilities?
                Be specific....
                No aggressive matters should be inferred toward anyone here. I hope we are not getting upset for sharing polite opinions here.
                "I really hope we aren't punishing members here for posting their honest opinions. That would be a bad precident to set. *Activists, who routinely point out corruptions outwardly with govt entities, also should be the very first to point out 'inside' org leadership corruptions."


                • Originally posted by cowboycode
                  Clear as mud, i'm afraid.
                  Most people associate site administrating and the same as forum moderating. Sounds like you and your staff have some differences,
                  what are the differences and similarities of the two job responsibilities?
                  Be specific....
                  This is all very off the topic of this thread. You can discuss this in the forum rules section or in the moderators section


                  • LynneB
                    THIS IS NOT AN ATTACK ON ANYONE..this is just how I feel. I came to SOS a year ago. I asked for help with a school problem. I understand that many of you live in southern California and cannot help on a local level. But phone and e-mail activism were an option. Thanks to all of you who did that. Yet, the one person who could help me..refused. I never asked for money, anyone to give me legal advice..I just asked for activism! That person that you defend so much refused to help a fellow patriot and not only did he do that..he did his usual spread lies and slander those who don't agree with him. I am not the only person who thinks this way about this individual...I found this nice link and if you scroll to the bottom it says it all....I am not talking about Sam..I don't know him but a former staff member here..

                    On top of that someone made very derogatory phone call to me the other night and that could only be from AG & Company as it happened when all this fighting was going on. He also has my number. You say we need to stick together and fight but it seems some of you that have been here longest want to leave those of us who are newer out. You want to stick to your old ways and your old buddies some of which are creeps. You don't want to change anything and the old hasn't really been working. A few of you were so quick to defend a former staff member against me when you didn't have all the facts. I thank those who have helped me..and those who didn't-no hard feelings I will still continue to fight along with you. Please note when I say old..I am not referring to someone's age...just the length of time they have been here. Thank you Bobby-well said!
                    Ha! Me? make a derogatory phone call and not identify myself? Surely you jest Lynne. What do you know about activism anyway? You never participated in anything here, SOS or otherwise. I did some research on you from the outset when you started crying about persecution at that school, and came up with those other lawsuits. Face it Lynne, you're a perpetual victimhood client. The problem was, you never supplied anything concrete that I could act upon. If you had it, those attorney's you went crying to would have jumped on it. And don't forget I still have all my emails from you detailing all of your strange claims just like the one you made about your alledged phone call last night. People following you, phone calls, etc. Maybe you think that picking on third graders is activism, but beyond that I've not seen a blasted thing in public from you yet. It's all been "Help me! Help Me! the third graders are taunting me and the principal is mean."
                    Last edited by AyatollahGondola; 08-11-2009, 10:47 AM.


                    • Originally Posted by Papoose
                      Good morning, Bobby,

                      I'm confused by your post. When you say something like "join the effort" are you saying that people need to band together to fix Save Or State or to work on Chelene's campaign?

                      Originally Posted by Arizona Patriot.
                      You told Cliff that Chelene would prolly ban you?? I dont think you are as 'confused' as you claim. You COULD have told him she is no longer here, hasnt been for months

                      And what is your idea of 'fixing' SOS ?? Bringing in all the people that have hurt SOS in the past ??
                      Chelene is still there, and as such Papoose probably was just too principled to participate in that deception.


                      • Originally posted by Patriotic Dream
                        Hi SOSers! It has been a long time since I visited this site. Unfortunately based on emails and phone calls I received yesterday, I spoke with the campaign team and my campaign manager suggested I log in here and write a statement.

                        First, I have never been one to hide. I have always been known to speak my mind without censorship or regret. I definitely do not need to log in here as someone else. I am a strong enough person to post as myself, so it is disheartening to read that I am being accused here of being someone else.

                        SOSers, we have a state to save. I was asked by leaders and members of the AIP/CP to run for office. I finally accepted the offer since I have always asked patriots to run for office. I could not continue to ask others if I was not willing to do so myself.

                        Months ago, a campaign team formed and we have been working very hard ever since. I have no time nor am I such a fool to pretend to be someone else and then trash potential voters. Our team is working hard to make a difference in order to help "save our state".

                        And no, SOS is not my campaigning site. In fact I made the decision not to ever log in here again. I have moved on but do hope that the organization I once helped manage would be more supportive of their fellow patriot.
                        I wish SOS much success!! And thank each member here for your tireless efforts and passion to help save our state and country!!

                        Best wishes!
                        Ha! You say you have moved on, yet you are still listed as administrator on even as you post this.
                        Patriotic Dream
                        Campaign For Liberty
                        You are having more and more trouble trying to mask that twisted mind of yours.


                        • This is a pm that Lynne sent me when I posted what she was posting about AG wasn't true. This all happened in a span of less than 30 minutes. We went from not ever having said much of anything to each other, to her stating this.
                          Dear Jeanfromfillmore,

                          You have received a new private message at Save Our State Forums from lynneb67, entitled "Re: Racist pig".

                          To read the original version, respond to, or delete this message, you must log in here:
                          Oops, looks like the page is lost. Start your website on the cheap.

                          This is the message that was sent:

                          ---Quote (Originally by Jeanfromfillmore)---
                          ---Quote (Originally by lynneb67)---
                          You know the real reason you don't like me is because I have bi-racial children--racist pig!
                          ---End Quote---
                          Actually I had no idea what your children racial makeup was. I have not paid that much attention to you. I do hope your battle with the school works out in your favor. But you've taken sides in something that you have very little knowledge about. Please get your emotions in check.
                          ---End Quote---
                          Your a racist pig! My emotions are fine..your just an old racist pig!
                          - Show quoted text -

                          Before this verbal exchange happened, she had sent me this pm, to which I never responded. She was trying to cause trouble and I didn't jump when she wanted.

                          DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL!

                          Dear Jeanfromfillmore,

                          You have received a new private message at Save Our State Forums from lynneb67, entitled "Kathy58".

                          To read the original version, respond to, or delete this message, you must log in here:
                          Oops, looks like the page is lost. Start your website on the cheap.

                          This is the message that was sent:
                          Hi Jean!

                          Hope you are well. I just want to mention something to you because I don't want to add to the in-fighting that has been going on. I am fed up with Kathy58's remarks against African Americans, to the point where I am about to explode. I respect the staff at Save Our State and would not do that, but can you review some of her post please? Thanks so much and have a great weekend!

                          - Show quoted text -

                          I don't agree with everything Kathy58 says, but I never noticed her saying anything that wasn't true. She just wasn't pc enough for Lynne and Lynne likes to use the race card to portray herself as a victim. We've seen that happen before so it's easy to spot.


                          • Chelene Nightingale's main problem is that she is an INCESSANT braggart. For starters, she was FOREVER preening herself on her friendship with the Ramos and Compean families and RESENTED being reminded that there were LOTS of OTHER Americans who ALSO deeply cared for and appreciated them. Last May Nightingale was incensed on learning that I had criticized her for FALSELY charging that Mr. Jim Gilchrist had NEGLECTED Ramos and Compean while they were unjustly imprisoned. The REAL truth is that Mr. Gilchrist DID help the agents and their families in WHATEVER way he could. He could not attend many rallies for Ramos and Compean while they were imprisoned because he was FIGHTING to save the MMP from being hijacked. He was travelling ALL over the country appearing on news programs, lobbying federal, state, and local governments against illegal immigration, and speaking out to educate the public on the issue. And WHEREVER he went, Mr. Gilchrist ALWAYS shared the story of Ramos and Compean and pleaded with fellow Americans to PRAY for and SUPPORT them. He was among MY GREATEST supporters in my "Joan of America" ( campaign for the agents in my hometown of Dallas, TX. His wise counsel and warm encouragement were among the many priceless resources that helped to keep me going for Ramos and Compean until they were finally freed last February.
                            Last edited by joazinha; 08-11-2009, 05:40 PM.


                            • Originally posted by joazinha
                              Chelene Nightingale's main problem is that she is an INCESSANT braggart.
                              IN the words of the late, great George Putnam, "You're right on target."


                              • The Truth - Once and for all

                                Rec'd this email to day

                                From: Patriotic Warrior
                                Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 10:52:40 -0700
                                To: <
                                Subject: The Truth - Once and for all
                                You know, crazy can be fun to watch at times.

                                Chelene is running around pretending that Shawna Forde is a surprise. This is too funny.

                                Shawna Forde is a member of Save Our State (SOS member BorderHawk). That is how I met her. She attended a border event with her BorderHawks co-founder Michael Williams. You all know Michael Williams as AZPatriot of Save Our State. Mr. Williams was the webmaster for SOS and was introduced to me by Ms. Nightingale as her "closest personal friend" at SOS.

                                Mr. Williams is an unemployed convicted felon (Burglary, breaking and entering, and receiving stolen property) which is why (by his own admission) he never joined the Minuteman Project. <-- Fact not rumor

                                You may all know Mr. Williams, Ms. Forde, and Ms. Nightingale from their countless emails asking for donations to aide in the search for Ms. Forde's daughter who was "kidnapped by the Russian Mob", which was prominently advertised on Save Our State's forum and webpage for weeks in spite of warnings from the Seattle Police Dept. that it was a fraud. <-- Fact not rumor

                                As I understand it, Ms. Nightingale's claim that Jim "refused to believe" that Shawna was involved in murder and robbery actually makes sense. Jim didn't know Shawna very well and it stands to reason that he was surprised. But, why then was Chelene and her #2 boy at SOS working so closely with Shawna if they knew just how crazy she actually is? In fact, nobody except for Jim has expressed surprise at the revelation that Ms. Forde is a murdering former prostitute fraud nutjob (allegedly on some of that).

                                Now, perhaps Chelene didn't actually care enough about SOS to purge Ms. Forde and Mr. Williams from the ranks, but surely our Governor to be had to put two and two together while she was sleeping on Michael's couch (technically his parent's couch) after becoming homeless (see - she lost her house and consequently her rock star unemployed husband). Governor Chelene had to know something was up when she saw Mr. Williams and Ms. Forde dating. I know Michael denies this now, but the truth is the truth. We all saw them together at Vigellance-a-palooza.

                                So, to recap;

                                Chelene's buddy, webmaster, and temporary landlord is a known convicted felon who started a group with another SOS member (also a convicted felon), but Jim is to blame for Shawna's prominence in the Border Movement. (Funny enough, Chelene's buddy probably would have been in on Shawna's home invasion plan if he had somebody to mooch the gas money off of.) Chelene isn't surprised that Shawna is a nut job yet Shawna is a member of her beloved SOS. Chelene never once asked Shawna to leave any SOS function nor did she mind sharing a brew with her at the border, but Jim is to blame for Shawna.

                                Well, I agree with Ms. Nightingale on one thing. Murder IS a serious thing, but Ms. Nightingale is not and anybody who takes her seriously needs a CAT scan immediately.

                                It is important that everybody know the truth, but it is also important to note that all of the bickering and infighting is exactly what Chelene wants. It is what allows her to constantly slip through the cracks as she defames patriots by spreading rumor and innuendo. Yeah, Jim got duped by Shawna, but so did everyone else who never kicked her ass off the border or out of their orgs. But, as far as I can tell, Chelene was the only person who KNOWINGLY condoned Ms. Forde.

                                So, that you don't think I am totally full of crap, ask yourself if ANY of these sound familiar. Here is a partial list of Chelene's lies;

                                1) She has "SEEN" the proof that the hijackers are right (she denied ever saying this in court)
                                2) Ray embarrassed her and the Ramos family in TX when Nacho surrendered
                                3) R and R are not true Christians (as she is) because they left their spouses for each other
                                4) Ted Hayes was told by her and his friend Rhonda to get a job but would rather be homeless
                                5) Steve Eichler and Jim Gilchrist are the gay half children of Satan
                                6) William Gheen frivolously spends his donors money on "the biggest suite in the place" at the DC event and in Phoenix at the Ramos & Compean rally (among others)
                                7) That March for America founder J C was "sniveling" and power hungry
                                8) That C B and those who supported Chuck Baldwin were delusional and stealing Ron Paul's votes
                                9) She stated that she would never work with Jeff Schwilk because he is abusive to women

                                Believe me, the list goes on and you KNOW that you have heard her say these things and/or things like them. But, you know now that I think about it this was all probably Jim's fault.

                                One other thing, let's do a quick comparison;

                                Jim - Decorated war vet, co-wrote a book, launched the NATIONAL illegal immigration movement, 4000+ media appearances, endorsement sought by Presidential Candidate, head of Minuteman Project, Congressional candidate, married for 30+ years, and retired professional.

                                Chelene - Divorced, homeless, took SOS from 4000+ members to 10, never ran for ANY office, last job was handing out cheese in a supermarket (<-- True Story), pretends to be a model and actress yet has no credits or body of work, never served in uniform, no volunteer or activist resume, never founded anything.

                                And for the record, I am not a Minuteman and do not owe Jim nor anyone else a thing. I am not part of his (or any) camp. So, don't try to belabor the truth by pretending that only one group sees through this crap. In fact, we all do.

                                Yes, everyone in these petty squabbles looks silly including Jim, but he has earned more in his lifetime than Chelene is even capable of recognizing. And the only reason that any of you fault Jim at all is because you expected more from him than you expect from Chelene. So, why are we supposed to vote for her again? Case closed.


                                -----Original Message-----
                                From: C Nightingale [mailto:[email protected]]
                                Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 2:44 PM
                                To: [
                                Subject: RE: JIM GILCHRIST EXPOSED !!!!

                                You honestly must be joking! Murder is a VERY SERIOUS crime not just something "petty". I personally along with several other individuals will definitely work with law enforcement to make sure they have all the evidence they need for conviction of all individuals involved.

                                Daniel, I was forwarded an email in which AG called me a loser and you a snake...I will forward shortly. I will take this as a compliment coming from any member of the Jim 'Jones' Gilchrist Project! Apparently to be considered a 'winner' by the JJGMMP you must be a murderer, a pathological liar, a fraud, a member of the aryan nation, a thief, an agent provocateur/mole, a fake so-called reporter, and/or insane. Daniel and I definitely do not fall into these categories.

                                Enough is enough alright! Every single major BAD incident in the patriot movement has all stemmed from the Gilchrist problems, endorsement of CFR-amnesty loving candidates, internal fighting, rumors, lawsuits, and now murder. And even with all of this, there are still koolaid drinkers following Gilchrist around like he was a "God" (quote courtesy of Buehler).

                                Jim & Steve, thank you for suing taught me to keep and save everything, to NOT remain silent about the truth, and to really ensure the movement was policed properly! I will take the name calling any day! I would rather a few crazies hate me than be a murderer, thief, fraud, etc....

                                What I especially find interesting is that there is now blood on the hands of the Jim Jones Gilchrist project and each member is still slinging mud and trying to connect every other group and now even the GREAT Tom Tancredo to Shawna Forde.....I never imagined this group would stoop so low.
                                Last edited by borderwatch; 08-18-2009, 06:48 PM.

