(Hey Adms, where are you? You can clear this up by doing a IP search on the posts in question. It's a no-brainer, if you wish to stop this matter. I am sure everyone would like Adms to look into who's posting from what IP addresses ASAP. To not to do that, only keeps the crap going when you can easily remedy the question.)
Now who's stiring the 'crap' around here with threads? Not I. Others are....
When is calmly asking a question of another poster here 'harassment' when they publicly harrass me on the forums?
And please. Where were you when I quoted Rule No 3 awhile back when I was 'harrassed' twice on two different threads by the same member? .
It seems some people here want to enforce the rules against only certain people who are attempting to clearing up snarky facts. And it's interesting the people who are badge heavy quoting TOS rule in threads here are the ones who have the most practice on another org against others.
I will defend myself as is my right.
(We're still waiting to hear from 'kjl' publicly or though PM's. I wonder why?
Maybe because 'kjl' is realy a vindictive SOS staffer moonlighting here to collect more dirt to use against more victims to make kissy points with Chelene. They have done that before. They are good at that and do it all day long.)
PS. I can clear this up. I will happily send cc'd of those PMs for your inspection. But then such PM's aren't too private anymore are they.
PPS.....I saw whole threads sent to me that indicated jalira (heather)was banned ( she stopped posting for a long time, possibly a year.) along with her boyfriend 'GSRAmerica' (Jeremy). 'Jean' posted numerous times that she had no transpo from her area in Filmore CA. it was known by all there. She had to ask for a seat in other's cars to get to events. If she got a car recently and you rode with her, so what. Nice try. That's not what we're talking about. She and others know these facts.
Funny, selective discussions by others to give the impression that they know what they are talking about when they don't. Don't pee on my leg and say it's raining. I know the facts. That about clears this up for me. Moving on...
BTW: It's the 40th anniversary of the Moon landing today. Hurray for the USA!
Now who's stiring the 'crap' around here with threads? Not I. Others are....
When is calmly asking a question of another poster here 'harassment' when they publicly harrass me on the forums?
And please. Where were you when I quoted Rule No 3 awhile back when I was 'harrassed' twice on two different threads by the same member? .
It seems some people here want to enforce the rules against only certain people who are attempting to clearing up snarky facts. And it's interesting the people who are badge heavy quoting TOS rule in threads here are the ones who have the most practice on another org against others.
I will defend myself as is my right.
(We're still waiting to hear from 'kjl' publicly or though PM's. I wonder why?
Maybe because 'kjl' is realy a vindictive SOS staffer moonlighting here to collect more dirt to use against more victims to make kissy points with Chelene. They have done that before. They are good at that and do it all day long.)
PS. I can clear this up. I will happily send cc'd of those PMs for your inspection. But then such PM's aren't too private anymore are they.
PPS.....I saw whole threads sent to me that indicated jalira (heather)was banned ( she stopped posting for a long time, possibly a year.) along with her boyfriend 'GSRAmerica' (Jeremy). 'Jean' posted numerous times that she had no transpo from her area in Filmore CA. it was known by all there. She had to ask for a seat in other's cars to get to events. If she got a car recently and you rode with her, so what. Nice try. That's not what we're talking about. She and others know these facts.
Funny, selective discussions by others to give the impression that they know what they are talking about when they don't. Don't pee on my leg and say it's raining. I know the facts. That about clears this up for me. Moving on...
BTW: It's the 40th anniversary of the Moon landing today. Hurray for the USA!