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American Apparel 3

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  • #31
    Originally posted by kjl
    Good for you. Happy you will be able to make it. It seams that there are camps being set up and lines being drawn at SOS. Sad because people jump onto a side thinking they are going to get brownie points for doing it, but may land up later realizing how dumb it was to do it.
    Especially so if the wagons need to be circled at this event.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Rim05
      Naui will be there for sure, he and his nurse have not had an event for a long time.
      You funny girl


      • #33
        Originally posted by AyatollahGondola
        Especially so if the wagons need to be circled at this event.
        As usual it's being done by those who will not even be there. I guess some people just want to feel they're part of the click, not knowing that who they've hooked up with is a total idiot with nothing more than a big mouth. If you don't know the whole story, sometimes it's best to shut up and stay out of it.


        • #34
          Originally posted by kjl
          As usual it's being done by those who will not even be there. I guess some people just want to feel they're part of the click, not knowing that who they've hooked up with is a total idiot with nothing more than a big mouth. If you don't know the whole story, sometimes it's best to shut up and stay out of it.
          I meant if the goons and illegals mobbed the protesters. Nothing like the heat of battle to make people put aside some personal issues with one another.
          That's unlikely though. The other side doesn't need a black eye like that while their lobbyists are out selling them as upstanding good hearted willing taxpayers


          • #35
            Originally posted by AyatollahGondola
            I meant if the goons and illegals mobbed the protesters. Nothing like the heat of battle to make people put aside some personal issues with one another.
            That's unlikely though. The other side doesn't need a black eye like that while their lobbyists are out selling them as upstanding good hearted willing taxpayers

            You're crediting them with far too much restraint. Further, they know damn well that no matter how egregiously they behave, the local press is unlikely to report it. Some of the crap I've seen only blocks from the L.A. Times building lives only on Youtube. The ugly racism and hate that will be blurted out by our opponents in Hollywood, that would be of great public interest, will be blacked out by local television and print media. I've never seen otherwise ... with the exception of Lou Dobbs' show (which is not local).
            Last edited by; 08-06-2009, 10:57 PM.


            • #36
              Originally posted by
              Your crediting them with far too much restraint. Further, they know damn well that no matter how egregiously they behave, the local press is unlikely to report it. Some of the crap I've seen only blocks from the L.A. Times building lives only on Youtube. The ugly racism and hate that will be blurted out by our opponents in Hollywood will be blacked out by local television and print media. I've never seen otherwise ... with the exception of Lou Dobbs' show (which is not local).
              Well, if that's true, we need each other even more. Even though I can't be there with you'se mugs, I'll be throwing up resistance here at the same time.


              • #37
                Folks, I need to point something out to you. I know there is hesitation on this event tomorrow, and I understand it under the circumstances, but this is an event that may jumpstart activism, and it doesn't have to be about anything else. This is an opportunity to rise above Chelene Nightingale's dictatorial will. We cannot let her mad manipulation continue to cripple any effort to revive the movement. I've recieved an email in which Chelene has annointed Mike Williams as the new leader of Save Our State. Just to show you She's mad as a hatter, this post has an email exchange between us just a day or two before she turned on me permanently in which she accused Mike of deliberately sabotaging the SOS forum. In the weeks prior to that she had written and spoken with me about Mike being a liar, and Mike was working for gilchrist, and Mike was a mole, and we should ban him so he couldn't access the forum anymore. Then, just days later after my ouster and she needs another pair of hands to accomplish her nefarious plans, she has him running things as if they were as close as finger and thumb. The point is, she was more interested in maintaining control than maintaining her scruples. More importantly, she was more interested in maintaining control than having a crowd at an event. You're the crowd, and you don't need anyone to tell you that you can or can't meet up and get busy on a street corner with signs. Mike is in another state. He cannot tell you what to do, or who you can speak to or stand by. My guess is that he will be busy finding some new toys to add on to the SOS websites while you are out doing something that really matters anyway. Go to the protest and ignore the people who have been keeping you apart for their own personal reasons. I did it, and even carried the Save Our State banner after I'd been banned by her highness. Carry your own banner, and tell these other Wizards of OZ that you have seen behind their curtains and you are on to their shit. Don't fall for these strange ass people telling you that you are a traitor or you are not being respectful of the wishes of some almighty trumped up reputation. Let them conduct their bizarre world by themselves. The writings from these people lately show desperation. They feel their grip on this movement slipping away, and now is the time to show them why you were here in the first place. Get out there even if it's just for a few minutes tomorrow,
                I cannot be there because of the distance, however I will be out doing something up here too, just to provide solidarity

                > > To: [email protected]
                > > Subject: email not sent
                > > Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 00:20:10 -0400
                > > From: [email protected]
                > >
                > > it appears the SOS web site malfunctioned during the time I started
                > > sending your last email to members. We'll have to wait and see if it
                > is
                > > the server or something else
                > Redis
                > cover Hotmail®: Get e-mail storage that grows with you. Check it
                > out. =
                > Davi, do you not have a SOS email list? Just give me the list and I
                > will send it. I am not is time sensitive material. I
                > just do not have the email address list...I believe you do based on the
                > last email you sent for me and the conversation we had at the time.
                > God Forgive America,
                > Chelene Nightingale
                > Managing Director
                > [email protected]
                > To: [email protected]
                > Subject: Re: email not sent
                > Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 0117 -0400
                > From: [email protected]
                > I do have an SOS email list, but sending it from here is a bit
                > different than doing it from the forum software. My email, AOL, will
                > not allow me to do mass mailings of that size. The new one I have,
                > AT& requires they be sent out in short lots of 200 or less at a
                > time, or it will regurgitate them. This is another reason I have been
                > asking for an SOS email address. If you want to make sure it goes out
                > right, we should use the forum software so it sends from the SOS server.
                Rediscover Hotmail®: Get quick friend updates right in your inbox. Check it out. =
       is up to Joe and I don't have the account info for any other email other than my own. Just give me the list and I will do it myself. When I ask for something to be done it is for SOS and needs to be done.

                By the way..the site is down. I guarantee this is the work of Mike.

                I will email Joe now about SOS.

                God Forgive America,
                Chelene Nightingale
                Managing Director

                [email protected]
                Last edited by AyatollahGondola; 08-07-2009, 09:13 PM.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by AyatollahGondola
                  Folks, I need to point something out to you. I know there is hesitation on this event tomorrow, and I understand it under the circumstances ...

                  Uh, no, actually there isn't. In fact, I've been looking forward to this for weeks! TOMORROW WE PARTY! FIRST AMENDMENT RULES!

                  I'll have to take it easy with the Red Bull tomorrow morning. I'm up for this one! I missed out on the first two AA gigs so this should be FUUUUUUNNN!


                  • #39


                    • #40
                      I hope that event went ok for them today,

                      I did get up early and get out on the streets myself today as promised. I distributed fliers in spanish and English at the Home Depot and the DLC. It was not well recieved. Big surprise....
                      Some were read, but then some DL's were dispatched over to tear them down. There was some of the usual finger pointing(middle), name calling, and threats, all of which I'm used to over there. There was one interesting thing that turned up, and I'll point that out after the videos are downloaded, but i'll do that in the day laborer thread here so this one will stay on the AA topic


                      • #41
                        Yes, I have been checking in for some kind of report since 2:30. Maybe they are repaying those of us who did not go.


                        • #42
                          Well 4 SOS members showed up. Me, Papoose, CitizenParker, and a member named Lizzie who brought a friend with her. Ol Glory and Sam showed up along with Naui, Cliff and about 35 Brown Berets. By the time we got there the Brown Berets were completely covering the front of American Apparel and as I said, way out numbered us. They did the same, same. Someone pounding a drum and chanting slogans with the typical Atzlan signs.

                          Thank god Sam showed up because the police we came after us with a vengeance. One was yelling at the top of her lungs at Ol Glory who replied to the woman officer that she wasn't deaf. This woman officer told us we did not have a permit and would have to remove our signs and flags from the area. To which I and the other there responded to her that we did not need a permit to carry a sign on a public sidewalk. I asked Glory to make sure she was getting this on video and make sure they had the officers badge numbers and names. At that point I told them that my attorney was parking his car and would be right there to speak with them. Sam had rented a large UHaul van and placed large anti-immigration signs all around it. He was continually driving around the block and videoing us as he would pass by. That was why we had to wait until he could find a place to place to park.

                          After I mentioned that our attorney was on his way, the woman officer made a 180 degree turn in her persona, and was now saying please. She then said it would be ok for us to have our signs but the poles holding the flags were metal and we had to remove them. This was the same thing we had been told when we did the second Hollywood march, so I know that there might be some truth to that. The woman officer asked me to stand next to someone from the goons side. I told her I did not know who this person was, and she responded that she wanted to talk to us both at the same time. I asked if we could wait until my attorney got there. She said she just had some thing she wanted to tell me. She told me that if one of the participants on the other side causes any physical abuse to any of us that we must write it down and sign it because it is a civil offense, to which I said "Yes, I understand, that is a citizens arrest". She said yes it is. I said "Yes, I know the law". She then apologized to me for yelling earlier and gave me her card. About a minute later Sam arrived and spoke with the officers and they exchanged cards. By this time many of the Brown Berets were leaving, especially the one that the officer had asked me to stand next to. It seem he had a warrant out for his arrest, and couldn't get out of there fast enough. Could be why so many of them left so quickly. We stayed for a few minutes longer and since it was now close to 1:00 we left also.

                          The hero today was Sam. He has not deserted the cause as so many have.
                          Last edited by kjl; 08-08-2009, 06:28 PM.


                          • #43
                            Was there even a peep out of the AA people?

                            So is AA selling Brown Beret uniforms too these days?

                            Sure glad to see this turned out in favor free speech, and all of you. Thanks for staying with it


                            • #44
                              Thanks klj. I think I got the name correct. Yes, A Big Thank you to Sam. Sounds like the police have now returned to being worse than before. It is too bad we have such ferocious warriors on the forum and such pussy cats in real life. Glory is always there and so is Papoose. BIG THANKS TO ALL.


                              • #45
                                PS; Citizen Parker is always in for a protest. We used to ride together a lot.

