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Obama Happy! Secret Walmart Survey: Inflation Here

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  • Obama Happy! Secret Walmart Survey: Inflation Here

    President Obama is getting what he really wants for Christmas--massive inflation in the United States.

    This is from WalMart, "The “inaugural price survey shows a small, but meaningful increase on an 86-item grocery basket,” said Patrick McKeever, MKM Partners analyst, in a note. Most of the items McKeever chose to track were every day items like food and detergent and made by national brands."

    Since BO has become President 21 month ago, the price of gas has gone up over a dollar a gallon.

    "Prices of cotton, silver wheat, soybeans, corn are all up big this year. Cotton futures are up the most, climbing 90 percent so far in 2010. The price of silver is up 63 percent."

    Corn and soybean feeds livestock and is in our foodstuff. Cotton is in our clothing.

    Inflation is here, after Obama created $3 billion in deficits and will have at least a trillion in deficits EVERY year for ten years, killed private health care, with increased prices and fewer services.

    Now, we have what he wanted, Jimmie Carter style inflation. By summer we will all notice significant price increases for food, transportation and living costs. Here in California the cost of water and energy, throughout the state will go up a minimum of 7%, and in many places up to 15%.

    Inflation is the gift Barack is putting under your tree for December 25. We have a little over 725 days till we can have regime change in Washington
