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California as Role Model: Memo to DC: Don?t follow our bad example

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  • California as Role Model: Memo to DC: Don?t follow our bad example

    The more in taxes we pay, the less in services we receive and the quality goes out the window.

    "So the very things the U.S. economy desperately needs right now the Democrats are proposing to make more expensive, which means we’ll get less of them, just like in California. Their high taxes flow from a desire for higher spending and more government.

    As of 2008, the latest year of available data, California had the 10th-largest government sector, state and local, of any state.

    That spending has not corresponded with the 10th-best level or quality of services provided by the state. Indeed, a recent study comparing the outcomes of government services in California to 23 industrialized countries concluded that the state was a bottom performer in delivering value for money."

    Government is a loser--Amtrak, Post Office, Education, welfare program and more Name a successful government program--Fannie, Freddie, government schools?

    State or Federal, if you want to lose money and fail to reach a goal--government is a sure way to go.
