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Small but costly juvenile prison program awaits fate

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  • Small but costly juvenile prison program awaits fate

    Government seems not to be able to do anything right.

    "Rather than being sent to adult facilities, less serious youth offenders are now held in county-level facilities, or supervised by probation officers in their home communities.

    According to the new report, the 80-percent reduction in the CYA population – from a peak of 10,122 youth in 1996 to 1,345 today – has been accompanied by a precipitous decline in the youth felony-arrest rate as well.

    But the decline in the population has had an unexpected fallout: It has contributed to the enormous costs of incarcerating the remaining offenders who are still held in state facilities.

    According to the report, CYA costs have soared from an annual cost of $36,118 per offender in 1996 to a stunning $220,000 today."

    Even when slapping the hands of young criminals, the State costs us money. Maybe we should incarcerate all the youthful offenders, so that maybe when adults, we won't have to imprison them.

    The cost to society would go down, emotional and monetarily, if we imprisoned the youthful criminals. To do otherwise would make government a co-conspirator in crime.
