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National Political News and Views 10/26/10

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  • National Political News and Views 10/26/10


    1. New ACORN effort is mobilizing voters, run by woman indicted for violating election laws, By: Mark Hemingway, Washington Examiner, 10/26/10

    ACORN is alive and well, using a new name for their old style corruption.

    "Matthew Vadum over at Human Events reports ACORN is alive and well, though operating under a different name:
    Disturbingly, Project Vote, ACORN’s scandal-plagued voter registration and mobilization division, remains open for business. Project Vote has been part of the ACORN family since at least 1992 when Barack Obama ran a successful voter drive in Illinois."
    Find ACORN or its affiliate, SEIU, involved in a campaign and you should start looking for electoral fraud. In Colorado and Arizona, tens of thousands of "new" voter registrations, submitted by a front group for SEIU, are being investigated by prosecutors. Arizona allow may have 20,000 illegal registrations.

    2. Examiner Editorial: Public employee unions versus working Americans, Washington Examiner, 10/24/10:

    When people you do not know demand you pay a bribe to get or keep a job, in the real world that is called extortion. In government, extortion is called "collective bargaining".

    "On the one side are voters representing a vibrant private sector that creates jobs, builds prosperity and throbs with opportunity. Here are found the Tea Party movement, most congressional Republicans and a few of their Democratic colleagues, millions of independent voters, Main Street and small-business associations, and, increasingly, seniors. The other side is led by government employee unions who take from the private sector to further enrich and empower themselves and their political allies, including President Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the Democratic majority that has controlled both chambers in Congress since 2007."

    Unions use the money they steal to elect politicians who will approve more theft from working people. Let the cycle stop, now.

    3. Optimism in U.S. Government Hits 36-Yr Low, Gary Langer, ABC News, 10/25/10

    Why are the Democrats in trouble for November 2? "Optimism in the country's system of government has dropped to a new low when measured against polls going back 36 years, and the public's belief that America is the greatest nation on earth, while still high, has fallen significantly from its level a generation ago.

    These results from the latest ABC News/Yahoo News poll, coming before next week's midterm elections, suggest that public disenchantment extends beyond its economic and political roots to broader questions about the country's governance and American exceptionalism."

    American, rightfully so, have little trust or respect for government. The Election next week will tell the Party of government, Democrats, we want freedom, not more government.

    4. Joe Guzzardi: House Democrats Finally Getting Americans’ Immigration Message, Noozhawk, 10/25/10

    Gee whiz! Democrats know that Americans do not want criminals in their midst! The elections results will show them they are supporting the wrong community--the criminal community.

    "Arizona offers a cautionary note about ethnic-identity politics that escapes Grijalva and other open-border advocates. Hispanics who vote are U.S. citizens. As citizens, their concerns are different from those of illegal immigrants. Citizens, regardless of their ancestry, don’t want to compete with illegal immigrants for scarce jobs or welfare benefits. The 2010 message to Washington is that Americans want immigration enforcement. Those like Frank and Grijalva who have been slow to get the message, may be on their way out."

    5. RIP: Carbon trading, Green Hell blog, 10/26/10

    Looks like Al Gore is not going to become a billionaire any time soon. "In a little reported move, the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) is ending carbon trading this year — the very purpose for which it was founded. CCX will remain open for business, however, as it transitions into the murky world of dealing in carbon offsets.

    Outside of a report in Crain’s Chicago Business and a downplayed article in the pro-cap-and-trade publication Carbon Control News, the media has ignored the demise of the only voluntary U.S. effort at carbon trading."

    This was the Gore effort to sell nothing, for a high price, and make people feel good while wasting money.
