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National Political News and Views 10/12/10

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  • National Political News and Views 10/12/10


    1. French Unions Threaten Open-Ended Strikes Over Pensions, By Helene Fouquet, Bloomberg, 10/11/10 Want to see what we are facing if we are to fiscally save California? Look at France.

    "French workers are demonstrating today for the fourth time in five weeks in nationwide marches, disrupting rail and air traffic as labor unions threaten open- ended strikes to press President Nicolas Sarkozy to scrap his pension-system overhaul."

    Like the French, the unions own our State government and have received benefits totalitarians would applaud. We are in trouble, but these are the good days, wait till the civil disorder.

    2. Confirmed: Official Administration Policy Is to Continue Foreclosures, By: emptywheel, 10/11/10 The Obama Administration understands the facts. A moratorium on foreclosures will throw the nation, almost immediately into a Great Depression.

    "We believe freezing foreclosures for all banks in all states, whether we have reason to believe them to be in error or not, is simply not the prudent step to take in this fragile housing market, he said.

    With approximately one in four homes sold in the second quarter in foreclosure, administration officials worry that a moratorium could have a significant impact on the economic recovery."

    And, today the White House announced the end of the drilling moratorium on the Gulf Coast. Maybe Obama does not want to be Herbert Hoover any more?

    3. Steven Malanga: Look for the union label on tax hikes,, 10/12/10

    Government gives unions a monopoly on government workers, who are forced to pay bribes to work.

    The union collects the money and uses lots of it for political actions. They support candidates who like higher taxes and more spending. Then with more spending there are more government workers, and more money to buy politicians and policies.

    The only way to stop this theft of workers and taxpayers money is to support making union membership voluntary. Short of that, we can not save our State from the inevitable declaration of insolvency.

    Government is controlled by the special interest, with unions leading the way.

    4. Obama Tax Hikes: The Economic and Fiscal Effects, Heritage Foundation, 9/20/10 Tax increases on some, affect all. Jobs are created by those who have money to invest. The less to invest, the fewer jobs created. Too bad, with all his education, President Obama must have slept through his economics classes, or believed Bill Ayres that terrorism of the economy is the best way to govern.

    "Since 1996, Congress after Congress has voted to lighten the tax burden on Americans. The current Congress will decide this fall whether to continue this policy or to significantly raise personal income taxes. President Obama has advanced a plan that reverses the long-standing successful policy: The President and his supporters are calling for tax increases, primarily on upper-income taxpayers and businesses including small businesses, the primary job creators in the country. Those who will be most burdened if this plan becomes law are the millions of Americans just starting their economic lives and the millions more trying to find work after the worst recession in 60 years "

    5. UC Physicist: Global Warming A Fraud, Cal Watch, 10/11/10 Nothing more has to be said:

    "In an open letter published in the Telegraph newspaper in the United Kingdom and addressed to the president of the American Physical Society (APS), Lewis writes that his former pride in being a fellow of the APS has turned to shame due to the money flood from government. Lewis states that former President Dwight Eisenhower warned of this corruption of science by government money in his precautions about the military industrial complex.

    Professor Lewis writes:
    It is of course, the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists, and has carried APS before it like a rogue wave. It is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist. Anyone who has the faintest doubt that this is so should force himself to read the ClimateGate documents, which lay it bare. I don’t believe that any real physicist, nay scientist, can read that stuff without revulsion. I would almost make that revulsion a definition of the word scientist.
