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National Political News and Views 10/11/10

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  • National Political News and Views 10/11/10


    1. Postal Union Election Delayed After Ballots Lost in the Mail, Fox News, 10/7/10 Want to know how incompetent the United States Can be? A union election, for postal workers, had to be held up. Why? The ballots were not delivered--by the Post Office.

    "The union's election committee was supposed to be counting those ballots this week in downtown Washington, D.C., following a tradition mail-in election. But the union announced that only about 39,000 ballots were turned in -- and that "a large number of union members had not received their ballots."

    Yet the government is going to deliver health care services? People will die.

    2. Behind the Meltdown of the Climate-Change Bill, By Debra J. Saunders, Rasmussen Reports, 10/9/10 Even the Left understands that Al Gore is a sham artist, possibly a cousin of Bernie Madoff and Ken Lay. We know in California AB 32 was based on fraudulent "scientific" studies--which were off by 340%

    "And cut deals they did. As Lizza reported, Texas oil-and-gas billionaire T. Boone Pickens climbed on board. In exchange for concessions -- like pre-emption from carbon being regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency -- big utilities promised "a very supportive statement" and the chamber of commerce promised to keep quiet.

    "It wasn't a surprise to us that various industries were willing to sell out," explained Matt Dempsey, spokesman for climate change contrarian Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla. Industry biggies got in on the negotiations and "they were poised to make money."

    No worries. If the bill means higher fees, he added, "They can pass it on to consumers."

    The Obama bill was about Big Government and Big Corporations selling out Americans for the quick buck and to kill competition. Now you know why government, and corporations controlled by government, can not be trusted.

    3. Aviation deal clears way for emissions scheme: EU, Reuters, 10/9/10 The European Union has decided to tax American corporations-because Al Gore wants them to. "A global deal on emissions curbs by airlines struck late on Friday will allow the European Union to press ahead with plans to charge airlines for emissions permits from 2012, the European Commission said on Saturday.

    The EU agreed in 2008 that airlines should be included in its emissions trading scheme (ETS), which forces industry to pay for permits for each tonne of carbon dioxide they emit into the atmosphere."

    Looks like the beginning of the end of Congress setting taxes--this is a way to limit air plane flights and tourists to Europe. The good news is that the cost will kill tourism and Europe will get less carbon dioxide--and much fewer tourist dollars. Go to France now, they are killing themselves with taxes.

    4. Barack Obama: Liar and Demagogue, Steve McCann, American Thinker, 10/11/10 Barack Obama is a Chicago thug. He bullies, lies and threatens. He refused to allow Republicans a place at the table to discuss his policies, unless they first agreed with him, then he complained they were opposed to his totalitarian and debt laden measures.

    "They know that the first step along this path is the emergence of a leader willing to do or say anything to promote a destructive and failed political philosophy and to achieve power by manipulating the emotions, fears, and prejudices of the people. But above all, they are mindful that only by exposing those who are determined to undermine their society, without hesitation or fear, can their nation be saved.

    Therefore, on behalf of those of us who have live through the worst of times, and based upon the president's words and deeds, it must be stated that Mr. Obama is a liar and a demagogue."

    Now dozens of Democrats in congress are denouncing Obama and his policies. The good news is that after November they will have plenty of time to think about why they allowed this political version of Bernie Madoff to be their presidential nominee. After all, no one really knows the man.

    5. Foreclosure Freeze May Slow U.S. Homebuyers on Legal Worry, By Kathleen M. Howley and Dan Levy, Bloomberg, 10/10/10 If homes that should be foreclosed are not being foreclosed, the banks will take a big hit, then the taxpayers will bail out the banks and more joblessness will happen.

    "A halt in home foreclosures at the largest U.S. mortgage firms may sideline buyers worried about legal issues, further depressing sales at a time when distressed properties account for almost a quarter of all transactions." Since the housing market caused the crash, this new crisis will keep us in a Depression till at least after Obama leaves Washington.
