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Study Says California Public Pay Out Of Line

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  • Study Says California Public Pay Out Of Line

    Those who have lost their jobs,lost their homes, had their work hours cut back are paying for the government workers with gold plated pension plans.

    "There are thousands of individual government agencies in the state, employing almost 2 million individuals. Whether the standard is salary, working conditions, benefits, or especially pensions, public employees in California receive compensation far in excess of what workers in the private sector do. It is illiberal and unjust, and no true liberal or progressive should support current public employee compensation.

    Tens of thousands of public employees in the area of public safety are among the highest paid individuals in any occupation. The $2 to $5 million in annuity value that these employees may receive through pension programs in their early to middle fifties makes these employees'
    comprehensive career compensation among the highest in America.

    The $1 million to $2 million in annuity value that more than a million non-public safety employees in California will receive through their pension programs in their middle fifties to early sixties similarly makes most California public employees de facto millionaires by their middle to late fifties. Frequently, California public employees, particularly in public safety, pay less than half or even nothing toward the employee's portion of retirement programs for the benefits they will receive."

    At one point in our history, government workers got paid almost nothing--now they are they the masters of the nation--like in the old Soviet Union.
