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Latino Dems Should Rethink Loyalty

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  • Latino Dems Should Rethink Loyalty

    Democrats love abortions. Latino's mostly love protecting innocent babies.

    Democrats love legalizing drugs. The Hispanic community has been ravaged by drugs.

    Democrats believe it is great to be compassionate to murderers and other criminals. The Hispanic community has been ravaged by crime.

    "Given the awful state of the economy, its no surprise that Democrats are losing some support among Latinos. But they can still consider the ethnic group to be in their pocket. Though Latinos have not displayed the lock-step party loyalty of African-Americans, they still favor President Barack Obama by 57 percent, according to one Gallup Poll down just 10 percentage points from his high number early in the administration.

    This support is particularly unusual, given that probably no large ethnic group in America has suffered more than Latinos from the Great Recession. This is true, in large part, because Latino employment is heavily concentrated in manufacturing, and even more so in construction.

    A half-million Latino workers in the construction sector in which their share of the work force is double what it is in the broader economy have lost their jobs since the start of the recession."

    Democrat policies have harmed the Hispanic community, in almost a racist fashion. Remember the last remnant of racism in America is the Democrat Party.
