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California Officials? Tin Ear for Religious Speech

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  • California Officials? Tin Ear for Religious Speech

    Many government officials in California have as much regard for religious freedom as the head of Iran.

    "A Merced elementary school forced a sixth grader to stop wearing a T-shirt that, without harrowing language or images, opposed abortion; the school district has just settled the parent's legal challenge rather than face it in federal court.

    * San Diego County officials withdrew a cease-and-desist order issued to a pastor who held a small Bible study in his home, apologizing for intrusive questions about the meetings. For five years the pastor had hosted the sessions for about fifteen people. When a neighbor's visitor filed a complaint about parking overflow, county officials questioned the pastor's wife about the nature of the meetings, asking whether participants said "Amen" or "Praise the Lord."

    * UCLA, responding to media pressure, reversed an official's decision and agreed to allow a graduating student, Christina Popa, to thank Jesus in her personal statement. Popa said she was told by a faculty adviser, who had been selected to read aloud students' personal statements at the department's commencement, that she would instead read the reference to "my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" as simply "God."

    Your loss of religious freedom is just one ruling away by a faceless bureaucrat.
