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National Political News and Views 9/10/10

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  • National Political News and Views 9/10/10

    NEW: I will provide a daily (Monday through Friday) NATIONAL version of the California Political News and Views. These articles will have national impact or information--yet affect everybody in California as well as Nebraska, Texas, Maine and other States where folks read the CPNV every day. If you like this idea please let me know--and then forward it to your friends in other States. Ask them to subscribe as well. Steve Frank

    1. Examiner Editorial: Government meddling distorts the housing market, Washington Examiner, 9/8/10

    Obama prefers to sell foreclosed homes to his friends and donors, to his special interests, rather than the highest bidder. This is Chicago politics at its worst. Read this article to see how the President has become the middleman for corruption in the housing market.

    2. New Health Law Puts Seniors at Risk, National Center for Policy Analysis, 9/9/10 Thanks to Obama and his band of Democrats, the health care of seniors have been severely compromised. BO cut half a trillion dollars from Medicare--that is real money. It means a half trillion less is health care for your grandmother, uncle and your elderly neighbor. BO has allowed his death panel to cut the drugs saving lives of breast cancer victims--your wife or daughter could die because of this decision.

    3. Public pension time bomb: GASB may shorten fuse, The Free Enterprise Nation, 9/9/10 When a government agency forces the corrupt goverment pension plans to be as honest as private pension plans, CalPers and others will collapse. for years they have been hiding fraud, corruption and phony numbers. That is part of the reason CalPRS has $525 billion in unfunded liabilities--and no one knew until a Stanford study. CalPRS refused to open its books--now we all know it is run close to the concepts used by Bernie Madoff.

    4. ICE Proposes New Policy That Would Let Illegal Immigrants Go Free, Fox News, 9/09/10 Obama is quickly moving forward, using Executive orders and his interpretations of Federal law, to maximize the number of illegal aliens to be free of deportation worries. Obama wants illegal aliens to be citizens. He needs the votes as do the Democrats. This is open corruption and demeans citizenship in this nation. Hopefully, some one will sue to enforce Federal law and stop the Chicago/ACORN corruption of our President.

    5. Even Obama No Longer Pushing Green Jobs, Investors Business Daily, 9/10/10

    Under Obama, government created "green" jobs cost $243, 902. What do manufacturing jobs cost, under the union owned BO? "For example, back in January, the administration was touting the $2.3 billion in manufacturing tax credits as creating 17,000 jobs or about $135,294 per job. Even that tally proved to be overly optimistic, given the fact that many of those jobs went to other countries."

    Don't you love government?
