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Oakland's Industry Disappeared--and So Did Middle Class

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  • Oakland's Industry Disappeared--and So Did Middle Class

    Oakland is a prime example of what happens when Democrats have total control of government. High taxes, high unemployment, businesses fleeing, schools in ruin, crime out of control while the city was forced to fire 80 cops.

    "He's not blind to the condos that have been built on the waterfront near Jack London Square and the Uptown district. He's well aware of the changing demographics of neighborhoods and the city overall, which has lost more than 34,000 African-American residents this decade, according to the American Community Survey. What he sees is bigger than gentrification. It is no less than a systemic failure to address issues of job retention and quality education - the opportunity to be in the middle class.

    "Look, we lost Granny Goose, the Del Monte Cannery, Caterpillar, Phoenix Iron Works," said De La Fuente, listing key manufacturers that left Oakland or closed their doors. As a union negotiator, he represented some of their workers. "The workers at Imo Delaval (which made diesel engines for ships) lived in East Oakland. They had good paying jobs, making $20 to $30 an hour. When the foundry closed, where do they go? Few found jobs that pay even 50 percent of what they made, and most were too old to go back and get retrained."

    Rich yuppies have replaced the black population of the city--and good jobs have left the city. Oakland is fast becoming a gourmet’s delight. Which means lots of restaurants, lots of illegal aliens working the restaurants, but few productive, good paying jobs are left--except in government. Where are jobs going to come from?

    "Looking to another new industry, many see job opportunities in the green economy. Alternative energy sources would require major manufacturing operations. According to a federal bill for clean energy conversion for small and mid-size business, 70 percent of the clean energy systems and components are made overseas. Making homes and commercial buildings energy efficient also promises jobs.

    Oakland has emerged as a leader in the field, with green job training programs that are being emulated by other cities, an ordinance that set some of the country's highest targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and a coalition of business, labor unions and community organizations focused on green policy recommendations for the city.

    Until federal funding for alternative energy is allocated, however, much of the potential for green jobs remain potential."

    Yuppie jobs, many phony jobs in the "green industry". In Spain for every green job created they lost two real jobs--hence the highest unemployment in Europe. Oakland has committed suicide and we are watching the death throes.
