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Prosecutions of elder abuse cases decline under Jerry Brown

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  • Prosecutions of elder abuse cases decline under Jerry Brown

    My father is 91 years old and lives in an assisted living facility. They have strict rules, and seem to be doing everything possible to make my father comfortable, safe and healthy. We visit him at least weekly and feel good about his living arrangements.

    Yet, now we know that our Attorney General, who refuses to obey his oath of office and defend Prop. 8, is not defending the elderly.

    "The office of Attorney General Jerry Brown has dismissed an increasing number of criminal cases against defendants suspected of elder abuse, while cutting back on surprise inspections to investigate violence and neglect in nursing homes.

    A California Watch review of elder abuse prosecutions found Browns office in sharp contrast with his predecessor, Bill Lockyer, who made similar cases a top priority during his two terms. In addition to dismissing abuse prosecutions already in motion, Browns office has filed fewer new cases per year than Lockyers office."

    Worse, he is not even trying to protect the elderly.

    "* Civil and criminal elder abuse prosecutions fell about one-third under Brown. Lockyer filed 162, 131 and 111 civil and criminal cases during his three peak years of prosecuting such cases. During the two full years that data is available for Brown, his office filed 75 and 89 cases. The decline in filings comes as prosecutors are increasingly changing course and dropping charges against those accused of harming seniors.

    * The office has scaled back surprise nursing home inspections in the Department of Justices Operation Guardians program, from 92 probes in 2006 to 19 last year. These inspections have proven to be an important tool in identifying elder abuse.

    * Browns office has cut back on elder abuse training for the states ombudsmen, police and district attorneys. The office used to hold four-day training summits every two years, but has not held one for three years and has no immediate plans to provide such training."

    Guess running for Governor is taking too much out of him. Maybe he needs to be retired from government service--the people will be safer that way.
