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Bill Gates: In Five Years The Best Education Will Come From The Web

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  • Bill Gates: In Five Years The Best Education Will Come From The Web

    Bill Gates gets it about education, "He made sure to say that educational institutions are still vital for children, K-12. He spoke glowingly about charter schools, where kids can spend up to 80% of their time deeply engaged with learning.

    But college needs to be less place-based, according to Gates. Well, except for the parties, he joked"

    1. He notes our math books are three times as large as the similar Asian math books--but their students do better than ours.

    2. Importantly he thinks the cost of college education is too expensive. "But his overall point is that it’s just too expensive and too hard to get these upper-level educations. And soon place-based college educations will be five times less important than they are today."

    Of course, Gates did attend college, for one semester, at Harvard. The rest is history. This is why we need to rethink how higher education is provided. Better education at a much lower cost is what Bill Gates is promoting.
