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More California Jobs Lost: Arnold Says and Does NOTHING

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  • More California Jobs Lost: Arnold Says and Does NOTHING

    Maybe Arnold has given up. Maybe he is only able to issue press releases and read statements at photo opportunities?

    "When Globalstar announced this summer that it intended to move its headquarters from Milpitas to Louisiana, the news barely made a ripple in our state capital.

    Attracted by almost $8 million worth of incentives, the satellite telephone company is shuffling off to the bayou without so much as a phone call from state officials asking what should be a no-brainer of a question:

    "Is there anything we can do to change your mind?"

    Given the lucrative package dangled by Louisiana, the answer may well be "No." But no one from California is asking."

    Obviously his whole Administration is tired or has given up. Either way, businesses understand California is not the place to stay, if you can leave.

    This is part of the reason our revenues are down--the productive are leaving and the unproductive, the special interest, a few rich and the illegal alien have stayed.
