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Leading Democrats Join Republicans in opposing Prop. 19

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  • Leading Democrats Join Republicans in opposing Prop. 19

    If Prop. 19 is passed, you may be working next to a co-worker who is high--and the employer can't do anything about it.

    Go out for a smoke break, and you might wind up with second hand marijuana smoke in your brain.

    Democrats like the radical Kamala Harris--she protects illegal aliens against honest citizens, using tax dollars, for example--is opposed to legalizing drugs.

    The San Fran Democrat Dianne Feinstein, though herself ethically challenged, her billionaire husband Richard Blum was just caught using $750 million of the UC system to prop up his business--he is the chairman of the UC Board of Trustees--is now opposed to legalizing pot.

    But this effort has “outed” the moral corruption of the NAACP.

    "The NAACPs endorsement of Proposition 19 set off a chain reaction of opposition from African American communities. Sacramento religious leader Ron Allen criticized Huffmans endorsement and called for her resignation.

    Why would the state NAACP advocate for blacks to stay high? asked Allen at a press conference.

    Allen has joined with other religious leaders to oppose Proposition 19."

    These are sick, crazy times, Prop. 19 is part of the problem.
