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Democrats Want "Junior Kindergarten

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  • Democrats Want "Junior Kindergarten

    The Governor and others are planning to save money by allowing children into kindergarten when they are several months older.

    Now a Democrat wants to fill the gap--at four years old and create a "junior kindergarten". What is not mentioned is that this is not for the kids, but for the unions--the more government classrooms, the more teachers paying bribes to be allowed to work. We do not have the money for the classrooms we already have--where does the money come from for this?

    "Simitians SB 1381 would move up the start date of kindergarten so that students would have to turn five by Sept. 1, instead of Dec. 2. The effect, excluding kindergarten for 4-year-olds, has long been favored by most educators and child development experts, who say, with substantial evidence, that most 4-year-olds are neither emotionally nor developmentally ready for kindergarten. The hangup has been what to do with the savings from not having to educate a quarter of the kindergarten class that first year.

    Simitian, a Democrat from Palo Alto, had proposed splitting the estimated $700 million savings, using half to fund preschool for the excluded 4-year-olds and diverting half to reduce the states mammoth budget deficit. But, taking the suggestion of the Assembly Education Committee and child advocates, he now favors a transition kindergarten junior kindergarten for those children. They would, in effect, attend two years of kindergarten."

    So, instead of saving money, he makes it fungible--spending the savings, meaning no savings. What else would you expect from an Obama Democrat?
