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Phoenix: Returning to Free Enterprise?

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  • Phoenix: Returning to Free Enterprise?

    Arizona might be returning to the Rule of law and the Constitution.

    Here is the question: Does the city government represent the needs of a union and those who pay bribes to it, or does government represent the best interests of all the citizens.

    "But determining who should keep Phoenix running - public employees on the city payroll or private contractors hired from outside companies - is occupying the minds of policy makers.

    Council members and top officials are assessing whether to privatize more services such as park landscaping, street cleaning and facility operations at Maryvale Baseball Park in an effort to save money.

    The city already privatizes about $432 million in services in about 350 service areas ranging from public transit to janitorial work. Proponents of more outsourcing, or hiring private firms to provide services, say it could potentially save taxpayers millions of dollars every year because they don't have to pay the costs associated with employees, such as health benefits or workers'-compensation insurance. They say competition from the private sector will encourage more efficient delivery of services." What is left out is that the cots of collecting the bribes from the workers and giving them to the unions would also be saved.

    The workers win by ending this corrupt system. The people win by lowering the cost of services. Society wins government running in a more honest fashion. Only the unions lose--do you care?

    Wonder if the Feds will sue Phoenix for ending union domination and racial profiling? Racial profiling? Yep, unions members are members of the human race, hence the profiling of people belonging to the human race. Silly isn't it? Just like unions, a bad joke on workers and the community.
