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Contra Costa Times Editorial: Another bad Democrat scheme to balance an unsustainable

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  • Contra Costa Times Editorial: Another bad Democrat scheme to balance an unsustainable

    Democrats love taxes; you can not remind the public enough about that fact.

    Democrats HATE to cut spending, you can not remind the public enough about that fact.

    When a newspaper notes that a Democrat plan is wrong, you know it must really be bad.

    "As long as there is insufficient support for the drastic action on spending and revenues that is needed in Sacramento, we can expect more ill-conceived plans to "balance" the state's deficit.

    The latest such scheme was put forth by Senate Democrats last week. Using the lure of giving counties greater control over a number of programs and some new tax money, the legislators would shuffle off $3 billion to $4 billion in state costs to the counties"

    The Sacramento Democrats have come up with a really nutty scheme--cut the State budget by mandating local government spend the money instead. Good way to get local government to bankruptcy court before Thanksgiving!

    Is it a lack of common sense on the part of Democrats or are they that mean? I believe it is both.
