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Credit card caper is L.A. County's next bombshell

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  • Credit card caper is L.A. County's next bombshell

    Want to find the sleaziest of people? Either go to a prison or an LA County government agency.

    "But my biggest thank you has to be to the $700-million, 6,000-member Los Angeles County Probation Department, where mayhem has reigned for years, with the county Board of Supervisors and other county officials unable to reform one of the most horribly managed departments in local government history.

    Where to begin? I could start with the 170 cases of employee misconduct. Or with the sexual and physical abuse of juvenile wards. Or with the videos of inmate fights that ended up on the Internet. Or with the failure to fire employees for misconduct because the statute of limitations had passed. Or with the fact that department heads can't tell you where all the employees even work.

    But let me begin, instead, with a story you haven't heard yet. I'm told the next bombshell will be the revelation that some employees appear to have been ripping off taxpayers by using county-issued credit cards for personal items, including LCD televisions, DVD players, Sony PlayStations and video games, and barbecue grills. Now maybe some of that loot will turn out to have been authorized, but I can tell you they're having trouble finding the stuff at county offices."

    Want corruption? Go to the LA Probation Department. Want lazy? Go to the LA Probation Department.

    Want to know why government has too much money? Go to the LA Probation Department.
