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$200 Billion High-speed rail authority to devise backup funding plans

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  • $200 Billion High-speed rail authority to devise backup funding plans

    This is a lie. "California's high-speed train officials will create backup plans to fund the $43 billion project in response to a rising tide of critics who assert the state will never get the money it needs to build the 800-mile rail line."

    The actual cost, when finished, including principal, interest, special interests take, unions premiums, is over $200 billion. That does not include a dime to run the sure money loser.

    We already know the cost of a one way ride has double from $55 to at least $110, rider ship numbers have gone down by a third--and the unions will be able to shut it down if their blackmail is not approved (some call it extortion).

    The Feds will not be able to bail it out, California is already bankrupt--this could be the $20 billion fraud that goes no where ($20 billion will have been spent on studies and engineering that could not be used for even trolleys).

    What an expensive fraud. We did it to ourselves when we voted for a bond; the ballot measure was financed by those special interest and unions that planned to rip us off.
