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GOP: Medicare Brochure Pure Propaganda

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  • GOP: Medicare Brochure Pure Propaganda

    President Barack Obama is a liar. He is the type of liar that uses YOUR money to lie to you.

    "He said the leaflet from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (part of the Department Health and Human Services) tells seniors what the health care bill means for them, but much of it directly contradicts what the Obama administrations own experts have said about the law. This is nothing short of government propaganda, paid for by the taxpayer, McConnell said.

    The administrations own actuary at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services says seniors who use Medicare Advantage will lose benefits as a result of this bill. Yet the flyer theyre putting out says nothing about this. Instead, it implies nothing will change for these seniors, he said.

    McConnell said perhaps most egregious is the claim that a bill which cuts Medicare by half a trillion dollars will actually preserve and strengthen Medicare.

    Don't we deserve better in the white House? Then again, his best friend is the terrorist Bill Ayres. His campaigns were funded by the crook, now in prison, Tony Reszko. His agents try to bribe members of Congress not to run for the U.S. Senate.

    He appointed an open communist to a White House advisory position. Obama has a
    U.S. Ambassador apologize to China for the new Arizona law, then allows a foreign president denounce a State for having laws moderate compared to those of Mexico.

    This is no longer the time to be "collegial", it is time for the truth. President Barack Obama is a liar, and he uses our money to tell his lies to our senior citizens.
