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LA Times Biased Headline of the Week

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  • LA Times Biased Headline of the Week

    The LA Times headline reads, "Schwarzenegger's budget a blow to the poor".

    It could have read, ""Schwarzenegger's budget refuses to raise taxes on poor and middle class"

    The Times is showing its values--higher taxes, bigger government, little self responsibility. "Proposing a budget that would eliminate the state's welfare-to-work program and most child care for the poor, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Friday outlined a stark vision of a California that would sharply limit aid to some of its poorest and neediest citizens.

    His $83.4-billion plan would also freeze funding for local schools, further cut state workers' pay and take away 60% of state money for local mental health programs. State parks and higher education are among the few areas the governor's proposal would spare."

    Why not a lead paragraph about the taxes that will not be raised, how non-profits help the community better than government.

    Why doesn't the Times note how AB 32 has killed jobs and causes people to need help? How about a Times expose about how unions force kids into failed schools and failed futures?

    Instead, the LA Times, like the rest of the fringe media sobs about the lose of government programs, instead of the successful non government solutions. This may explain why the LA Times has gone from over 1,000,000 in circulation a decade ago to a little over 600,000 today--folks don't want to pay for press releases and radical propaganda--why pay to be told Arizona is wrong to find criminals?

    Who do you trust more, the LA Times or Fox News? The LA Times or your neighbor?
