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Democrat and GOP Incumbents Need to be Afraid

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  • Democrat and GOP Incumbents Need to be Afraid

    Last Saturday, the Republican Party of Utah told three term GOP Senator Bob Bennett that he is going to be retired, forcibly.

    Last night, the Democrats in West Virginia told 14 term Congressman Allan Mollohan that he is going to be forcibly retired at the end of the year.

    Earlier this year the voters of New Jersey retired Jon Corzine.

    Republican and Democrats, who are perceived to be in office too long, part of the establishment or voted to raise taxes and make government bigger, are in trouble.

    Next week Arlen Specter, Senator from PA, a member of the Obama/Specter political party, will be defeated.

    Uh, polls are now showing the GOP Senator Orin Hatch, the best friend of the late Senator Ted Kennedy, would also be defeated for re-election, were he up this year.

    "Veteran political handicapper Charlie Cook says there is an "anti-everything" mood overtaking the country, which will manifest itself primarily as an anti-Democratic force and is best personified by the tea parties."

    Also, "Independents, too, seem fed up, which is why they delivered stunning victories to Republicans in off-year elections in Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts."

    We have massive deficit, State and Federal. We have the highest taxes and polices that kill jobs. We have government policies that support Wall Street over Main Street, unions over honest workers and protect illegal aliens and terrorists.

    People are angry. Those in office the longest, those who voted for these disastrous policies, need to go--GOP or Democrats if I believe the political climate in America.
