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Even SNL tweaks unions

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  • Even SNL tweaks unions

    Unions, the cause of the fiscal problems of California, will not give up ownership of government easily.

    "The proposed legislation, which is one of the top priorities of the states public employee unions, would make it nearly impossible for cities to declare bankruptcy and void their unsustainable employee union contracts. For instance, the city of Vallejo declared bankruptcy when its expenditures mainly for current and retired public employees far exceeded revenue. Assembly Bill 155 would require that cities first get approval for bankruptcy from a newly formed and state-controlled Local Agency Bankruptcy Committee comprised of the controller, treasurer and finance director."

    Do we have the guts to end the union scam? " I was stunned pleasantly so by a recent Saturday Night Live sketch lampooning public employees. In the 2010 Public Employee of the Year Award skit, the host of the event was on disability after being paralyzed from the neck down, even though he clearly had no signs of paralysis. The contestants included the surliest Department of Motor Vehicles employee, a double-dipping employee disabled because of a fear of cats and an employee who was taking a smoke break when he was supposed to be performing."

    Saturday Night Live is able to make a joke about union corruption. But, this is not a joke--California is in a Great Depression and unions want to keep us there.
