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Overseer needed for spending

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  • Overseer needed for spending

    The San Bernardino Sun gets it right. Neither the Governor nor the legislature can be trusted with honestly spending our tax dollars.

    "During the leanest economic climate in recent history, it should be Job No. 1 of every man and woman the voters send to Sacramento to eliminate fraud and waste in state spending. Even in normal times, lawmakers ought to be acting as true representatives of their districts by keeping a sharp eye on how the vast state bureaucracy is spending our tax dollars.

    But oversight for too long has taken a back seat to politicking.

    For that reason, there's some merit to the proposal by Assemblyman Anthony Portantino to create an Office of the California Inspector General, whose job would be to investigate fraud and waste in every state government nook and cranny and require the Legislature to do something about it."

    There is another way to lessen the waste and corruption of government--give it less money to waste and steal. It is up to us to make this change--and November 2 is the day to begin.
