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Obama Justice Department Shut Down Federal ACORN Investigation

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  • Obama Justice Department Shut Down Federal ACORN Investigation

    Barack Obama might be the most corrupt politician in America, of all time.

    He has used his office to promote and protect voter fraud, bullying of voters, massive of tax dollars and other crimes by ACORN.

    "Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that it has obtained documents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) detailing federal investigations into the alleged corrupt activities of Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). The documents reference serious allegations of corruption and voter registration fraud by ACORN as well as the Obama administration's decision to shut down a criminal investigation without filing criminal charges."

    Obama is tearing apart our freedom, rights and liberties. When the White House gives a"Get Out of Jail Free" card to criminals, we are all endangered.

    "The FBI and Department of Justice opened an investigation. However, the Obama Justice Department, while noting that ACORN had engaged in "questionable hiring and training practices," closed down the investigation in March 2009, claiming ACORN broke no laws.

    By contrast, the documents also include records related to a federal investigation of ACORN corruption in St. Louis, Missouri, involving 1,492 allegedly fraudulent voter registration cards submitted by Project Vote, a liberal non-profit organization affiliated with ACORN on voter registration drives, during the 2006 election season."

    Some will argue that Obama is trying to end free, honest elections in the United States. Note that the fringe media, like the Times, Post and Chronicle are NOT reporting this story.

    What do you think?
