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L.A. County supervisors spend millions on pet projects

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  • L.A. County supervisors spend millions on pet projects

    Here is all the proof you need to show LA County has too much money.

    "As Los Angeles County supervisors prepare to carve deeply into everything from public safety to social services, they also are spending millions in taxpayer dollars to burnish their public images, pay for chauffeurs, hold parties for friends and lobbyists and support pet projects.

    Each supervisor receives $3.4 million a year to spend as he or she sees fit, without any public vote or scrutiny.

    Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky, for example, has spent more than $200,000 to support his new website along with Facebook and Twitter accounts, according to interviews and a Times review of documents obtained through the state Public Records Act."

    Facebook, chauffeurs and parties--with your tax dollars. Corruption comes in many forms, this is one of them.
