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The Costly Fraud of High Speed Government Rail

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  • The Costly Fraud of High Speed Government Rail

    "Estimates of ticket prices between Los Angeles and San Francisco have nearly doubled in the project's latest business plan, pushing ridership projections down sharply and prompting new skepticism about data underpinning the entire project.

    "This just smells funny," said state Sen. Alan Lowenthal (D-Long Beach), a supporter of high-speed rail and chairman of the Senate Transportation and Housing Committee.

    New inflation-adjusted construction figures show that outlays needed to build the first 520-mile phase of the system have climbed more than 25%, from $33.6 billion to $42.6 billion."

    Looks like I was right on target for the $200billioncostof the hoax called High Speed Rail. Now they claim the “cost" to build is $42.6 billion--but add interest charges and the cost is $85.2billion.But, that is for a little more than half the system.

    The phony numbers continue to come to light. "Under the new scenario, one-way fares between L.A. and San Francisco rise from $55 to $105, closer to the cost of an airline ticket. The change shows healthier surplus revenue, which may appeal to private investors. But estimated ridership falls by about one-third, to about 40 million annual boarders in 2030."

    This is a massive financial failure--it will kill what is left of the economy.

    Kill the choo-choo train now, before it kills us.
