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Obama Admits "Designing" High Unemployment

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  • Obama Admits "Designing" High Unemployment

    Sometimes our President is honest.

    "By design, the bulk of the remaining 50 percent of Recovery Act funds will be deployed in the coming months of 2010 and during the beginning of 2011 to support additional job creation when our economy continues to need a boost." stated Obama on Page 9 of the budget he submitted to Congress.

    You thought he wanted to end the employment crisis immediately? No, he wants to end it only when he is up for election in 2012.

    In his State of the Union speech he claimed to have acted aggressively. Yet, in his case, aggressive means three years. "What the hell? This man says last week that we acted immediately and aggressively and this week says by design, the bulk of the remaining 50 percent of Recovery Act funds will be deployed in the coming months of 2010."

    His honesty though shows he is an ideologue, instead of a representative of the people--wanting power, not solutions.

    Now you know why Democrats are fleeing his shadow. Dick Morris says the GOP will control Congress by ten and the Senate by two after the November election. Larry Sabato says the GOP will pick up a net of a minimum of six governorships.

    Now you know why. But a real voter revolt can make it even better.
