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Feds Funding for state falls far short of request

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  • Feds Funding for state falls far short of request

    Looks like Barack is not going to bail out California. "The president has proposed giving California $1.5 billion of the $6.9 billion that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and legislative leaders had sought during a highly publicized trip to the nation's capital two weeks ago, according to the state Department of Finance.

    The governor has warned of the wholesale elimination of social programs for the poor, sick and elderly if Washington isn't forthcoming with the money."

    Instead of threats, the Governor needs to cut premium pay for unionized workers, allow less expensive charter schools to grow quicker, sell government stadiums and property. He needs to govern, not threaten.

    Why should the poor of Hoboken be forced to bailout the incompetence, corruption and unions of California?

    Stop the whining and start the governing.
