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Cell Free Car ban INCREASES Car Accidents

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  • Cell Free Car ban INCREASES Car Accidents

    Government is nuts. It is run by emotion, smears, lies and special interests. Remember we were told the world would end if we did not outlaw people speaking on their cell phones without using a "bluetooth"?

    Here are the facts: "Last week, an insurance industry report found that bans on using hand-held cell-phones while driving in California, New York, Washington, D.C. and Connecticut did not reduce the number of car crashes. To the contrary, crashes went up in Connecticut and New York, and slightly in California, after the bans took effect."

    Here is the kicker, "Rader wondered if the hand-held ban simply has led to more use of hands-free devices. Since studies show that hands-free phone calls also distract drivers, the hands-free ban may provide a distinction without a difference."

    Government needs to go back to the basics--law enforcement, building roads and infrastructure, and leave living to the people. If Sacramento did that, the state might not be in a Great Depression.
