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UN: Caught Lying Again About Global Warming

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  • UN: Caught Lying Again About Global Warming

    The United Nations is a murderous, corrupt, out of control, power hungry, LYING organization.

    It financially supported Saddam Hussein.

    From the Congo massacre of a family in a VW, to the raping and pillage of dozens of UN "peacekeeping" missions, to the protection of terrorists and denouncing of a free Israel, the UN has been the perpetrator of totalitarianism world wide.

    Recently the UN was caught lying about the melting of mountains.

    Now it is caught lying about the destruction of rain forests.

    "The IPCC report states that "up to 40 percent of the Amazonian forests could react drastically to even a slight reduction in precipitation" -- highlighting the threat climate change poses to the Earth. The report goes on to say that "it is more probable that forests will be replaced by ecosystems ... such as tropical savannas."

    But it has now been revealed that the claim was based on a WWF study titled "Global Review of Forest Fires," a paper barely related to the Amazon rainforest that was written "to secure essential policy reform at national and international level to provide a legislative and economic base for controlling harmful anthropogenic forest fires."

    EU Referendum, a blog skeptical of global warming, uncovered the WWF association. It noted that the original "40 percent" figure came from a letter published in the journal Nature that discussed harmful logging activities -- and again had nothing to do with global warming.

    The reference to the Brazilian rainforest can be found in Chapter 13 of the IPCC Working Group II report, the same section of AR4 in which claims are made that the Himalayan glaciers are rapidly melting because of global warming. Last week, the data leading to this claim were disproved as well, a scandal being labeled "glacier-gate" or "Himalaya-gate."

    It is time to end our financing of this openly corrupt organization. It has become a criminal conspiracy. Based on the conspiracy and corruption, it should be forced out of the United States. The UN building would make a great location for homeless shelter.
