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LA Times Whines About HOW ACORN Was Exposed

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  • LA Times Whines About HOW ACORN Was Exposed

    For years the Los Angeles Times, along with the Washington Post, the SF Chronicle and dozens of other "great" newspapers have refused to investigate corruption that rivals Bernie Madoff--and WAS known to the public. Everyone knew that ACORN was corrupt. City by city, State by State, ACORN employees were indicted and convicted for electoral corruption. The Feds admitted that upwards of $75 million given to ACORN to help people get into homes was missing.

    Yet the Times protected them by refusing to investigate, by refusing to expose.

    Then along comes two KIDS--O'Keefe and Giles--and they using hand help camcorders blow the lid off the criminal syndicate known as ACORN--and the LA Times whines it was done "the wrong way".

    "Now agents provocateurs James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles have released their latest installment via the Internet and Sean Hannity's program on Fox News, with the promise that there could be more to come.

    Fans of O'Keefe and Giles -- and they have many on the political right -- describe them as heroes. They win cheers at conservative gatherings. Hannity said last week that they deserved a journalism award.

    The duo certainly has caused a stir -- and raised questions about an organization that in the past had received substantial government funding -- but, sorry folks, please don't call this journalism.

    That profession has been under considerable attack and retrenching in the face of daunting economic forces, but it still attempts to live by a set of standards. That includes getting a fair representation of all sides."

    Rainey prefers presenting both sides--good enough--then why didn't he, why didn't the Times, why didn't the fringe media? Instead they hid both sides, pretending this was a legitimate organization.

    Rainey is the problem--he is more concerned about the fact O'Keefe and Giles do not pay union dues then he is about the facts.

    This column by Rainey shows the corruption of the media--expose Left Wing corruption and YOU are the problem.

    Well, James, start doing your job and investigate your way. Time for the LA Times to show why someone should buy this newspaper.

    Pass this on, and see a newspaper dying.
