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Gov. Haley Barbour Conference Call

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  • Gov. Haley Barbour Conference Call

    I just got off a conference call with Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour. Governor Barbour was the Political Director in the Reagan White House, then became the chairman of the Republican National Committee.

    Currently he is the chairman of the Republican Governors Association. He led the team that spent $13 million in Virginia and New Jersey to create the overwhelming victories in those States.

    Barbour made an excellent point in regard to the New Jersey race. He noted that Governor-elect Christie keep the focus on the failed record of Governor Corzine. That is important for all of us to remember, that when opposing an incumbent we need to keep the focus on their record--and that is why the Blue Dogs are concerned. Clearly the people do not trust Washington, and any vote for cap and trade, stimulus or Obamacare/Pelosi/Reid/care is a vote against the people. If we keep the focus on the bad Democrat Governors and the Democrats in Washington voting for Obama/Reid/Pelosi, we will win.

    He then made a compelling case for people to get actively involved in races--then support the GOP nominee who wins, your candidate or somebody else. He was critical of the NY State Party chair for allowing a few people to select a candidate for Congress "it was a hand picked, back room deal". But in the case of primaries voted on by registered members of the Party, he will not substitute his judgement for the judgement of the voters. That makes sense to me.

    His discussion about 2010 races included strong interest in the California governors race.

    Gov. Barbour is a true leader of the Republican Party--glad he is on our side.
