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Will Arnold Keep Word and Veto 700 Bills? Midnight Deadline

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  • Will Arnold Keep Word and Veto 700 Bills? Midnight Deadline

    In 2003, Arnold Schwarzenegger told everyone he was a student of Milton Friedman. Then in February, 2009 he man handled the Republicans in the legislature to pass the largest tax increases in State government, any State government, history. Remember the May 19 Special Election--Prop 1A? Another massive tax increase promoted by the Governor.

    Now, he claims that the Legislature MUST pass a "water bill" (but gives little direction as to what it must do, how much it will cost and how we pay for it--(since 2007 the State has accumulated a total of $80 billion in deficits, on top of a $150 billion DEBT).

    So, by midnight tonight, he must either get a REAL water bill approved (of course even if the so called Big Five approve that does not mean the legislature will vote for the compromise) or veto 700 bills. Of course, if he does nothing, the bills become law without his signature.

    The public will know if the "water bill" is real, or just a face saver. We will know how good the word of the Governor is by midnight. As best I can tell the recovery of the State of California would be helped if all 700 bills were vetoed anyway. We can not afford the fees, regulations and controls on citizens created by the radical Democrats (sorry about being redundant) in Sacramento. Oh, did you know that the State is selling $4.5 billion in new general obligation bonds, to pay off previous general obligation bonds--so we will pay double interest on the debt. That is how bad the finances are of the State.

    Government finances are about to collapse, State, County and local government agencies. We need a true voter revolt and a Governor that keeps his word--watch this space close to midnight tonight.
