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Obama Can't Stop Sheriff From Enforcing Immigrations Laws

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  • Obama Can't Stop Sheriff From Enforcing Immigrations Laws

    Barrack Obama may have a "Peace" medal around his neck, but his heart and head says that law breaking is OK..

    Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Arizona has been informed by the Obama Administration that as of October 14 he may no longer enforce Federal immigration laws. Obama is out of control--wonder what other laws he refuses to enforce? Didn't I see him take an oath of office on January 20th? Guess, like his flip flop on pulling troops out of Afghanistan, closing Gitmo, not raising taxes on the middle class, his promises to the gay community, this is just another lie of BO.

    "Arpaio claims that ICE is renewing the part of the agreement that allows his personnel to check the immigration status of those booked into the county jail, but will not renew the portion that authorizes officers to make arrests based on immigration status.

    When we come across illegal aliens, we arrest them, Arpaio said. Thats the part they dont like, and thats the one they took away."

    The good new is that Sheriff Joe lives up to his oath of office and continue to arrest law breakers. "Arpaio claims that more than 30,000 individuals have been identified as illegal aliens since his department signed on with ICE in 2007."

    30,000 arrests in two years--if all law enforcement agencies were as honest as his, we would not have an illegal alien problem.

    Of course, that would mean fewer criminals for BO to make citizens with an amnesty for their crimes.

    Joe Arpaio should have received the Nobel Peace Prize. He earned it the old fashioned way, by doing his job and being honest.
