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A third of Merced area high school students have to try exit exam again

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  • A third of Merced area high school students have to try exit exam again

    The interesting number in this article is NOT in the article. "Ninety-three percent of regular education students in the class of 2009 passed the exam before last May, compared to 96 percent of their counterparts in the class of 2008."

    Having 93% pass the exam seems good--even though the previous year was 96% Knowing the corruption of government education, the story does not end there.

    Here is what they left out. How many of the one-third or more of students that failed the exam actually took it again? Here is how you cook the books--you leave out many who took the exam, failed and then dropped out of school--that number should be part of the final figure to make it accurate.

    In all probability the real passage rate is in the mid 80 percentile--this is how government lies, phony statistics.

    Shame on the reporter for not asking THAT question. Shame on us for believing government.
