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Will Los Angeles Tax "Medical" Marijuana?

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  • Will Los Angeles Tax "Medical" Marijuana?

    Have a cold and you can find a doctor who will prescribe medical marijuana. Are you depressed? You can get medical marijuana. That tummy ache from too many hot dogs? Medical marijuana.

    Only the stupid buy marijuana these days on the street corner. Anybody can get a prescription for Medical marijuana. In LA, there are over 500 medical marijuana shops--and growing. There may be more medical marijuana shops in LA than Starbucks.

    Now it is being suggested that medical marijuana be taxed. Great idea. Tax it like cigarettes. The cost of cigarettes is about 50 cents a pack--then you add taxes and it becomes $4.00 a pack.

    So, the tax on marijuana should be about 800%. Of course if you do that, then folks will buy from their neighborhood dealer, putting the "honest" drug dealers out of business.

    Maybe this is a secret way to stop the use of marijuana--tax it out of existence--like lots of other products.

    Crazy world we live in. What do you think we should do?
