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Your Voting Rights At Stake with Prop 14

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  • Your Voting Rights At Stake with Prop 14

    Thanks to Arnold and the Democrats, your rights of political freedom have ended in California.

    Prop.14 ends write in candidates for the November general election.

    "Do write-in candidates really matter? Look no further than Lisa Murkowski, who was just re-elected to the U.S. Senate from Alaska -- as a write-in candidate. SB 6 explicitly states that all write-in votes cast "at the general election ... shall not be counted." Thus, SB 6 would have robbed Senator Murkowski of her hard fought victory, because all votes cast for her would have been thrown away. Here in California, write-in candidate Donna Frye nearly won the San Diego mayoral election in 2004.

    Why should we care about minor-party candidates? Think caffeine. Like it or not, the Tea Party has already made its mark on American politics. Until last year, Tea Party and other minor-party candidates were allowed to describe themselves on the ballot as "Independent". But once SB 6 kicks in, candidates from every minor (i.e., non-state-recognized) party will be foisted with the ballot label of "No Party Preference". By illegally forcing candidates to make misleading statements on the ballot, SB 6 will do voters a grave disservice."

    Is this reform or corruption? Prop. 14 stops people from running for office--that is what Castro and Chavez do. Reform allows more people to run--that is what freedom is about.

    Thanks to Arnold, the Democrats and their misleading spending of millions, the voters have less choice for partisan elected officials--Hugo and Fidel must be proud of Arnold.
